
Template for generating Rails 3 applications.

Primary LanguageRuby

=== ABOUT ===

This project contains application templates for use when generating
applications using Rails 3. The code was originally derived from Ryan Bates'
Railscast #148[0] (which I heartily recommend for an introduction to
application templates).

=== USAGE ===

$ rails new APP_NAME -T -m main.rb [-d {postgresql,mysql,...}] --skip-bundle

The -T option omits Test::Unit files which aren't needed, as the templated
app will use RSpec for testing.

The --skip-bundle command tells Rails not to run "bundle install" after
building the application. This isn't needed because the template itself
already runs "bundle install".

[0] http://railscasts.com/episodes/148-app-templates-in-rails-2-3