
Repository for the content and project for Giuliana Bezerra's testing course

Primary LanguageJava

This repository has been created to store content and code for Giuliana Bezerra's Automated tests with Spring Boot course. I've decided to take it so that I could deepen my testing knowledge in Java and improve my portfolio and CV.

During the course, the following frameworks and libraries were used:

  • Spring Boot Test
  • Junit 5
  • Mockito
  • AssertJ
  • Hamcrest
  • JsonPath
  • Jacoco
  • Pitest
  • Apache Commons
  • Test Containers

API and routes

For this project, an API for creating, listing and deleting planets from the Star Wars universe has been created. The following routes can be accessed:

GET /planets?climate=foo&terrain=bar

  • Used to list planets based on filters supplied by query string. If no filters are received, all planets are returned. If no planets are found, returns an empty List. Returns a HTTP status 200.

GET /planets/id

  • Lists a planet by its id. Returns 200 with the found planet or 404 if not found.

GET /planets/name/foobar

  • Lists a planet by its name. Returns 200 with the found planet or 404 if not found.

POST /planets

  • Receives a name, climate and terrain to create a planet and returns a status 201 with the created planet.

DELETE /planets/id

  • Deletes a planet by its id. Returns 204 or 404 if not found.


The project uses a MySQL container running on Docker

Running the project

After cloning the project, you can just run the command docker compose up on the root folder of the application with the Docker app running and then execute the application using ./mvnw spring-boot:run