
CMS data analysis helpers

Primary LanguageTcl


This is my notebook for CMS related projects and various small code snippets.


  • crab: scripts to work with CRAB, the CMS grid submission tool
    • mcgen_userscript: run CMS MC generation from step1 (GEN-SIM) to MINIAOD (step4) in one job.
  • opendata: scripts to work with CERN open data

Misc stuff

Finding the PU configuration of a MC sample

The true distribution of pileup vertices for a CMS MC sample can be extracted from the configuration fragment.

  • Enter the sample DAS name (AODSIM) to PdmV to find the production campaigns: link
  • Get the setup command for a particular campaign: link
  • Find the premixed MC sample: link
  • Get the premix setup conf: link
  • From there, find the pileup configuration: --pileup 2018_25ns_JuneProjectionFull18_PoissonOOTPU
  • The pileup confs can be found in the folder $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/SimGeneral/MixingModule/python
  • This script can be used to extract the MC pileup histogram.

Internal presentations in chronological order

PFAlgo debugging

Add this to the end of the step3.py to enable logging and debug outputs.

process.MessageLogger.categories += ["PFAlgo", "PFCandConnector", "PFBlockAlgo"]
process.MessageLogger.debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring("particleFlowTmp")
process.MessageLogger.debugs = cms.untracked.PSet(
     INFO =  cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)),
     DEBUG   = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)),
     PFAlgo = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)),
     PFCandConnector = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)),
     PFBlockAlgo = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)),
     threshold = cms.untracked.string('DEBUG')

#To keep low-level inputs
clusters = [
  'keep recoPFClusters_particleFlowClusterECAL_*_*', 
  'keep recoPFClusters_particleFlowClusterHCAL_*_*', 
  'keep recoPFClusters_particleFlowClusterHO_*_*', 
  'keep recoPFClusters_particleFlowClusterHF_*_*', 
  'keep recoPFClusters_particleFlowClusterPS_*_*',
  'keep recoTracks_generalTracks_*_*',
  'keep recoTrackExtras_generalTracks_*_*',
  'keep TrackingRecHitsOwned_generalTracks_*_*',
  'keep recoGenParticles_prunedGenParticles_*_*'
process.AODSIMoutput = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
    dataset = cms.untracked.PSet(
        dataTier = cms.untracked.string('AODSIM'),
        filterName = cms.untracked.string('')
    fileName = cms.untracked.string('file:step3_AOD.root'),
    outputCommands = process.AODSIMEventContent.outputCommands + clusters,
    splitLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0)

Compiling and running a test workflow.

runTheMatrix.py -l 38

Selecting a subset of events in a file

cmsRun $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/Utilities/configuration/copyPickMerge_cfg.py inputFiles=root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch///store/relval/CMSSW_11_0_0_pre12/RelValTTbar_14TeV/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW/PU_110X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v5-v1/20000/7CCD50E3-D786-4044-9CEF-793F6EC79183.root maxEvents=10

Dump a Global Tag

conddb copy --destdb 110X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v5.db 110X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v5

In CMSSW configuration

process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, "110X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v5", "")
process.GlobalTag.connect = "sqlite_file:110X_mcRun3_2021_realistic_v5.db"


scram b -j8 USER_CXXFLAGS+="-DEDM_ML_DEBUG" USER_CXXFLAGS+="-O0" USER_CXXFLAGS+="-g" USER_CXXFLAGS+="-fno-omit-frame-pointer"


process.MessageLogger.cerr.threshold = "DEBUG"
process.MessageLogger.debugModules = ["*"]