Founder of a steamy garage startup, you are totally done with sweating each day in and out. You want to become a Diamond! Have traction, have pre-VC, angels, champagne and maybe even consider retiring as a well-funded crafts beer maker?
- founder's diary
- other personal belongings
- tech gadgets
- various PC / Mac stuff
- make your infrastructure sync!
- have it maintained or hire a Admin geek
Cash is your primary weapon. You receive cash from finished Projects.
Cash can be used for
- paying vendor invoices
- expensed at Tech Fairs
- payroll
- taxes
"Learn to master the Wheel and you will soon find success near the corner."
One of the most important things in the game UI is the Wheel of momentum. It's a spinning wheel, which tells you basically how energetically your company is buzzing.
You will see periodic undulation of your momentum - hey: life's not a walk in the park. Diamondhood certainly is not!
Momentum comes from the overall velocity you achieve in projects.
You'll cave in to the matrix of business. The matrix is a "map" of opportunities and unknown waters. You can direct the Wheel nudging it one turn at a time.
There's 3 basic options for getting revenue:
- the Subscriber model (SaaS)
- ad based business model (Media)
- Tailored product model (COTS)
You can change your Mode anytime. However, be aware that such drastic stunt will
- set your Wheel to standstill (speed zero)
- you'll thus kind of "lose" energy
- any non-finished project will impact a -1 in Reputation stats
- any cancelled projects that have a Penalty Fee will be subtracted from Cash
Reputation points
tell how reliably and well you have finished your Projects.