Query type
: Entry point for schema. Describes the data to fetch.
: GraphQL's SDL(Schema Definition Language)
Scalar type
: a primitive type.
Object Type
: begins with type
. Has properties and primitive types and object types.
Mutation Type
: entry point into graph for modifying data. A special Object type.
: A good idea would be to add suffixes for the certain types, for instance a response type might have the following:
type WaterSampleResponse {
success: Boolean!
message: String
samples: [Sample]
GraphQL Playground
: In browser IDE for writing queries.
: provides detailed info/documentation for the Graph's schema.
: Provide instructions for turning a query, mutation or subscription into data. Return the specific type or a promise for the data.
fieldName: (parent, args, context, info) => data
: object that contains the result returned from the resolver on the parent type
: object that contains the arguments passed to the field
: object shared bya ll resolvers. Conatins per-request state such as authentication
: info about execution state used in advanced cases
operation keyword
: Word used in a query in the playground to start. Use query or mutation.
: ensures server only sends data in small chunnks.
cursor-based pagination
: uses a constant pointer(cursor) to keep track of order of data set. Eliminates skipping items and displaying the same item more than once.
Apollo Engine
: has a schema registry that allows us to pull recent schema from the cloud
Schema Explorer
: explore all types and fields in schema with usage stats. Cost of a field, which fields are in most demand
Schema History
: validate the new schema against field-level usage data from previous schema. Provide insights into which clients will be broken.
Performance Analytics
: insights into every field, resolvers and operations
Performance Alerts
: configure notifications to be sent to Slack. Alerts for threshold rate.
Publish schema to Apollo registry
$ npx apollo service:push --endpoint=http://localhost:4000
- Deploy graph API to the cloud
$ npm now
- It might want you to confirm your email first. You might have to run the above twice. You should receive a url like this: