
A list of features that are revealed with when clicking menus and icons with modifier keys like command, shift, control, and options. Please contribute!

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A list of features that are revealed with when clicking menus and icons with modifier keys like command, shift, control, and options. Please contribute!

Some hints can be found here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236 (But that is mostly about shortcut keys.)

How to Contribute

  • Explore macOS by clicking with various modifier keys on icons and menus.
  • Take screenshots of your discovery.
    • Blur private info (like MAC addresses).
    • Name files with keywords.
    • PNG file format is best.
  • Use the template file to create an entry.
    • Write in Markdown.
  • Each entry should document a single click with multiple modifiers.
  • Name each entry from app to feature.
    • Finder-Sound.md (sound icon in menubar when Finder.app is active).
    • Finder-File (file meny in menubar when Finder.app is active).
  • Make sure you record/update version info.
  • Stick to the facts, no speculations or opinions needed!
  • Submit a pull request.
  • Be patient. Reviews take time!

Code of Conduct

  • Everyone is welcome to contribute.
  • Contact the maintainer with concerns.