POC ClojureScript AWS Lambda Function


Create a Lambda function in your AWS account:

$ zip -r lambda.zip index.js node_modules out
$ lein npm install
$ aws lambda upload-function \
  --region us-west-2 \
  --function-name dns-resolver \
  --function-zip ./lambda.zip \
  --timeout 10 \
  --runtime nodejs \
  --handler handler \ 
  --mode event \
  --role arn:aws:iam::<your AWS account ID>:role/lambda_exec_role

Test the Lambda in the AWS console, with the following input:

  "domain": "example.com",
  "type": "A"


  1. lein new mies-node my-lambda
  2. cd my-lambda && lein npm install
  3. Create an index.js to export your function
  4. zip -r lambda.zip index.js node_modules out