
Some hooks for SSO using Google sign in

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Google SSO hooks for react applications.


âš¡ Purpose

I needed SSO for google users and wasn't quite satisfied with what I found in the react eco system. Perhaps this will be useful for someone else, so here we go 🚀

The package exposes its own declaration files; you won't need to install any @types/* if you use typescript.

âš¡ Installation

To install, use either yarn or npm:

yarn add gapi-oauth-react-hooks
npm i gapi-oauth-react-hooks

âš¡ Typical use

It's best to setup the config early, perhaps in the index or app file:

import { GapiConfig } from "gapi-oauth-react-hooks";

// pulling from .env here

ReactDOM.render(<Login />, document.getElementById("root"));

Now, let's use the main hook in our Login component:

import { useGoogleAuth, UserProfile } from "gapi-oauth-react-hooks";

export const Login = () => {
  const auth = useGoogleAuth();

  const display = {
    Errored: <>Oh no!</>,
    Loading: <>Loading ...</>,
    NotSignedIn: <button onClick={auth.onSignIn} >Login</button>,
    SignedIn: <SignedIn {...auth} />

  return <>{display[auth.state]}</>;

interface SignedInProps {
  onSignOut: () => Promise<void>;
  signedUser?: UserProfile;
  authResponse?: gapi.auth2.AuthResponse;

const SignedIn: React.FC<SignedInProps> = ({ onSignOut, signedUser, authResponse }) => (
    <div>user {JSON.stringify(signedUser)}</div>
    <div>auth response {JSON.stringify(authResponse)}</div>
    <button onClick={onSignOut} >Logout</button>

âš¡ Api

This package exposes two functions as well as two types:

🔶 Types

🌀 GapiState

This type defines gapi state.

Value Description
Loading gapi is not ready yet
Errored an error occured while loading gapi
SignedIn gapi is ready and a user is signed in
NotSignedIn gapi is ready and no user is signed in

🌀 UserProfile

This type defines user data properties.

Property Description
id the id of the user
email the user email
familyName the user family name
givenName the user given name
name the user name
imageUrl the user avatar

🌀 GoogleAuthHookProps

This type defines what returns the useGoogleAuth hook.

Property Description
state The gapi state
signedUser The signer user (duh)
authResponse The auth response
onSignIn A function initiating login
onSignOut A function initiating logout

🔶 Functions

🌀 GapiConfig.setup

This static class contains a config function that takes three parameters. Once called, useGoogleAuth can be used.

import { GapiConfig } from 'gapi-oauth-react-hooks';

GapiConfig.setup(clientId, scope, redirectUri);
Parameter Description
clientId The gapi client id
scope The requested scope
redirectUri The redirect Uri

🌀 useGoogleAuth

This react hook handles signin and signout using gapi auth2.

import { useGoogleAuth, GoogleAuthHookProps } from 'gapi-oauth-react-hooks';

const {
}: GoogleAuthHookProps = useGoogleAuth();