
Generating react-query hooks and typescript types from a graphql schema

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Generating types and react-query hooks from a graphql schema.


⚡ Purpose

Graphql codegen is a great tool; zeus-graphql is a neat lib. But they don't exactly fit what I want 😿

🤔 I want to get clean typescript artifacts from my graphql schema

🤔 I want type enforcing for args, params and results while using useQuery and useMutation hooks

🤔 I want to easily import what I need from generated code

🤔 When using a query, I want to pick what I want as result when I only need a subset of the query result

🤔 But I also want to be able to easily pick everything if that's what I need

🤔 I want to define which queries should be translated into infinite queries

So here we go, I just figured I'd do something for giggles 🤷.

⚡ What is generated exactly ?

codegen step

⚡ Get started

🔶 Install

To install, use either pnpm, yarn or npm:

yarn add -D graphql-codegen-react-query

🔶 Setup

Let's setup our codegen tooling by running the codegen-init command:

yarn codegen-init

This command takes three optional parameters:

Parameter Description Default value
c Where to write the codegen config file . (current folder)
o Where generated code should be written ./api
u Graphql api url. If it doesn't start with http, the variable will be treated as an environment variable name http://localhost:3333/graphql

So if I need to use custom params, I'd do:

yarn gqlCodegen-init -c ./libs/graphql/codegen/src -o libs/graphql/artifacts/src/api -u NEXT_PUBLIC_GQL_API_URL

🗯️ This command generates two files:

  • The react-query.codegen.yml config file.
  • The fetcher hook. You might need to inject config in the fetching logic, like setting an Authorization header for example; that is why the fetching logic is externalized in this hook.

The config file typically looks like this:

# Where generate code should be written
outputPath: 'libs/graphql/artifacts/src/api/codegen'
# The environment variable name containing the url to the graphql schema (or directly said url)
# Fetcher hook config
  # Path to the fetcher, relative to the generated queries/mutations
  path: './../../useFetchData'
  # fetcher hook name (expecting a named export)
  functionName: 'useFetchData'
# Queries that should be generated as infinite queries with react-query
  - useProductsByPage

🔶 Codegen

🚨 Make sure introspection is enabled on the backend you target

Generating types from a graphql schema is easy enough using cli. Usage is as follows:

gqlCodegen -c [configFilePath]

      --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -c             Codegen config file path
                               [required] [default: "./react-query.codegen.yml"]

  gqlCodegen -c ./libs/graphql/react-query.codegen.yml

With that in mind, we can add a script to our package.json:

  "scripts:" {
    "codegen": "gqlCodegen -c ./libs/graphql/react-query.codegen.yml",

⚡ Features

🔶 Clean types

From a schema like this...

enum GqlOrderedItemStatus {
type GqlOrderedItem {
  id: ID!
  quantity: Int!
  name: String!
  image: String
  price: Float!
  status: GqlOrderedItemStatus!
type GqlOrder {
  id: ID!
  idUser: ID!
  idCreditCard: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  creditCardNumber: String!
  items: [GqlOrderedItem!]!

I expect to get this:

export type GqlOrderedItemStatus = 'preparing' | 'readyToBeSent' | 'shippingInProgress' | 'shipped'

export interface GqlOrderedItem {
  id: string;
  quantity: number;
  name: string;
  image?: string;
  price: number;
  status: GqlOrderedItemStatus
export interface GqlOrder {
  id: string;
  idUser: string;
  idCreditCard: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  creditCardNumber: string;
  items: Array<GqlOrderedItem>;

🔶 Dynamic selection and result type inference

It would be great if I could use named query hooks (one react hook by graphql query) but still be able to select what I want in the result 🤔

For example, for a schema like this, I should have a named query hook useCategoriesQuery with type inference:

type GqlProduct {
  id: ID!
  idCategory: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String!
  image: String!
  price: Float!
  stock: Int!

type GqlCategoryWithProducts {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  products: [GqlProduct!]

type Query {
  categories: [GqlCategoryWithProducts!]!

dynamic selection

If i want the entire query result, I can use useCategoriesQuery instead of useCategoriesPartialQuery:

dynamic selection

🔶 Dynamic queries

It would be neat if I could get the results from several graphql queries by calling one single react hook 🤔

Let's use the useGqlQuery hook that does just that:

dynamic selection

🔶 Queries/Mutations variables type support

I would be nice if I had strong typings for arguments and results 🤔

dynamic selection

🔶 Queries/Mutations options

It would be awesome if I could still easily tweak react query hooks 🤔

dynamic selection