
iOS Swift Template

Primary LanguageSwift

iOS Template Swift

iOS Swift template application.

Get started

To setup project please follow the next steps:

  1. Download.
  2. Rename project.
  3. Configure mogenerator.
  4. Configure CocoaPods.
  5. Configure Fabric/Crashlytics.
  6. Configure HockeyApp.
  7. Configure TravisCI.
  8. Edit README.md.
  9. Commit and push to repository.

Clone or download

First, dowload the project as a zip file to keep commit history clean.

Then, you should init the Git repository:

cd Path/To/ios-template
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:user/some-git-repository.git

Rename project

To rename the project you should:

Change project name:

  • Run the rename_project.sh script. Enter the new project name
  • Open the .xcworkspace project file
  • On the Project Navigator on the left side, click twice slowly on the project name. It will become editable. Type the new name. A dialog will appear listing all the items Xcode suggests to be renamed.
  • Click Rename.

Remove mentions in code:

  • Open the search tab in the Project Navigator on the left side of Xcode.
  • Search iOS-Template in project.
  • Replace any occurrence of the iOS-Template name with the new project name.

Change bundle id:

  • Change bundle id for all schemes in project build settings.

Change workspace reference:

  • Right click the project bundle .xcworkspace file and select “Show Package Contents” from the context menu. Open the .xcworkspacedata file with any text editor.
  • Change the absolute route:

to a relative path


Configure mogenerator

  • Go to Build Rules.
  • Change path to script in Data model files using Script.
  • Change path to script in Data model version files using Script.

Configure CocoaPods

  • Find Podfile in project.

  • Uncomment, add or remove pods.

  • Then run in terminal:

pod install

Configure Fabric/Crashlytics

  • Check bundle id in project build settings for all schemes.
  • Install native Fabric app.
  • Follow the provided steps on the Fabric app
  • Be sure to set SBKeyAPIKeyCrashlitycs in Constants.swift and to add the Run Script.
  • Create organization in Fabric/Crashlytics.
  • Add applications to this organization for all schemes.
  • Uncomment the Crashlytics.startWithAPIKey(SBKeyAPIKeyCrashlitycs) to register the app

Configure HockeyApp

  • Download the native HockeyApp app for Mac OS
  • Install it and follow the provided steps there
  • Set the SBKeyAPIKeyHockeyApp key in Constants.swift

Configure TravisCI

  • Check the .travis.yml file
  • Replace iOS-Template with your project name
  • Replace DEVELOPER_NAME with the correct distribution certificate name
  • Change PROFILE_NAME with you Provisioning Profile name
  • Export the following things from the Keychain app to the scripts/travis folder:
    1. "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" into scripts/travis/apple.cer
    2. Your iPhone Distribution certificate into scripts/travis/dist.cer
    3. Your iPhone Distribution private key into scripts/travis/dist.p12 (choose a password)
  • Use the travis encrypt command to encryp the following variables:
travis encrypt "KEY_PASSWORD=YOUR_KEY_PASSWORD" --add
travis encrypt "HOCKEY_APP_ID=super_secret" --add
travis encrypt "HOCKEY_APP_TOKEN=super_secret" --add
  • Download your provisioning profile from the Apple Developer portal and copy it to scripts/travis/profile/

Rename .xcdatamodeld

  • Rename CoreData/iOS-Template.xcdatamodel

Edit README.md

  • Edit README.md.

Make initial commit and push to remote repository

cd Path/To/Project
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin git@github.com:user/some-git-repository.git
git push origin master

Check that the TravisCI and Hockeyapp integration works

  • Whenever a new push is made to github, a new TravisCI build should start. You should be able to see the status on the TravisCI page. When the build finishes, it should send an IPA to Hockeyapp with the latest version. The build number is atached to the release notes so developers and QAs make sure they are working on the same version.