This project is a challenge of an company 👀💚
The challenge is make a Banking Api, and can
- Create Users
- Deposit money in your Account
- Make withdraws and more
And is builded with:
- Elixir
- Phoenix
- Ecto
- Docker-Compose
- Elixir
- Erlang
- Docker-Compose
The first step is clone the repository to your local machine:
With Https:
git clone
With SSH:
git clone
With Github CLI:
gh repo clone jpbrab0/banking_api
- Install all dependencies of the project with mix:
mix deps.get
- Setting up the database:
docker-compose up -d
- Initialize the phoenix server:
iex -S mix phx.server
To run tests, run the following command
mix test
Url: https://localhost:4000/api
GET /users/user/:id
Parameter | Type |
id |
uuid |
POST /users/user
Parameter | Type |
name |
string |
email |
string |
age |
integer |
cpf |
string |
nickname |
string |
password |
string |
POST /users/user/deposit
Parameter | Type |
id |
uuid |
quantity |
decimal |
POST /users/user/withdraw
Parameter | Type |
id |
uuid |
quantity |
decimal |
POST /users/user/transaction
Parameter | Type |
sender |
uuid |
receiver |
uuid |
quantity |
decimal |
In sender and receiver the value is the uuid of account sender and account receiver
- Get balance of an account
- Create User
- Make deposits
- Make withdraws
- Make transfer to anouther account
- Make User Controllers
- Make User Views
- Make Account Controllers
- Make Account Views
- Configure Github Actions
- Deploy the aplication
Made by João Pedro Resende