
A simple lovelace multiline text input card. Now modifies attributes instead of state

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple lovelace card to display a multiline text input field bound on an input_text or var entity.

However, snarky-snark's var component is recommended to use since Home Assistant's input_text is limited to a maximum of only 255 characters. At this point I will not forget to mention that this great component is capable of so much more - have a look at it!

Plus, I borrowed some code and inspiration from benct's awesome Xiaomi Vacuum Card - many thanks for that one, Ben!

release code_size license hacs_badge


Default appearance with save, paste and clear buttons, and a max_length of 50.


Appearance of the min_length behaviour. The save button is highlighted and disabled (as is the autosave function).


Download lovelace-multiline-text-input-card.js to /www/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card/ folder and add the following lines to the resources section in your ui-lovelace.yaml file:

  - url: /local/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card.js
    type: module

OR install using HACS and add this instead:

  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card.js
    type: module


Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:lovelace-multiline-text-input-card
entity string Required An input_text or var entity
autosave bool false Save text automatically one second after input
min_length int 0 The minimum text length allowed to be saved to the entity (*)
max_length int/bool false The maximum text length to be allowed (*)
placeholder_text string Placeholder text to be displayed when empty
save_on_clear bool false Save empty text after pressing the clear button (no effect along with min_length)
show_success_messages bool true Display message whether backend calls (e.g. saving) were successful or not
title string friendly_name The card title (if undefined, falls back to the entity's friendly_name attribute)
buttons object/bool (see below) Set to false to hide button row
icons object (see below) Set custom button icons (same keys as buttons object)

(*) Note: If necessary, the entity's min/max length attributes will be taken into account and overwrite the config.

Buttons object

Name Type Default Description
save int/bool 1 Show or hide save button
paste int/bool 2 Show or hide clipboard paste button (*)
clear int/bool 3 Show or hide clear button

You can now arrange buttons by giving them indices, beginning from the left. True/false still works as a value, keeping the default arrangement save / paste / clear.

(*) Note: Clipboard paste does not work in all browsers!

Icons object

Name Type Default Description
save string mdi:content-save-outline Save button icon
paste string mdi:content-paste Paste button icon
clear string mdi:trash-can-outline Clear button icon


Don't forget to add your input_text or var entity in your configuration.yaml! ;)

Simple config example

- type: custom:lovelace-multiline-text-input-card
  entity: input_text.input_text_entity

With the simplest configuration applied, min_length and max_length solely depend on the entity. Default appearance with three buttons for save, paste and clear and their respective icons. The card title will be the entity's friendly_name attribute. Autosave is turned off, as is the save-on-clear.

Advanced configuration

- type: custom:lovelace-multiline-text-input-card
  autosave: true
  entity: input_text.input_text_entity
  max_length: 50
  min_length: 10
  placeholder_text: 'Text entered here is going to be saved automatically when between 10 and 50 characters length.'
  show_success_messages: false
  title: Multiline text input card
    clear: 1
    paste: 2
    save: false
    clear: mdi:other-icon

In this example, the min_length and max_length behaviour of the entity will be overwritten, if possible. That means, the allowed text length range can be narrowed down, but of course not increased. The card title is set manually and the save button will not be shown in favour of the enabled autosave function. The clear button will appear on the left with the paste button on the right. Last but not least, the icon of the clear button will be changed.