a smattering of config files and some other stuff namely:
BVCS - a simple dumb version control system written in bash
USBGIT - a small backup/git script for pulling onto a USB stick

For note:
Need to run start_agent when first setting up ssh-agent

C-c 1 "run program"
	d dired
	g gnus
	--- To implement:
	i erc
C-c 0 "open config file"
	e emacs.el ;; I should look at finding/making a function to go between (load-file blah) and the target
	s stumpwmrc.el
	c conkerorrc
	--- To implement:
	g gnus.el
<f10> Scratch buffer
<f11> Magit
        k kill one item (delete if untracked)
	s stage one item
	S stage all in a section
	u unstage one item
	U unstage all in a section
	i ignore things
	P push to defined remote (first time will ask which remote)
	f 'git remote update'
	F pull from remote
<F12> Agenda
        a Agenda
        t TODO
C-M-r Org-Capture
	a Assignment -> Uni.org
	t todo	     -> refile.org
	n note	     -> refile.org
	j Journal    -> diary.org

`m being the windows key

m-S-<Return>  bring up a terminal
`m-p 	      bring up dmenu
`m-S-c	      kill focused window
`m-j	      focus up
`m-k	      focus down
`m-m	      focus master
`m-<Return>   swap to master
`m-S-j	      swap up
`m-S-k	      swap down
`m-h	      shrink master
`m-l	      expand master
`m-t	      tile window
`m-,	      increase number of master windows
`m-.	      decrease number of master windows
`m-q	      recompile and restart xmonad
`m-S-q	      quit xmonad
`m-[1..4]     move to workspace [1..4]
`m-S-[1..4]   move window to workspace [1..4]

`m-C-m	      group all windows
`m-C-u	      ungroup focused window
`m-C-,	      in-group focus up
`m-C-.	      in-group focus down

`m-w	      spawn uzbl
`m-e	      create an emacs frame
`m-C-<Return> bring up an ssh session to Elijah
`m-C-p	      bring up an ssh session to partch