
Tech Blog that connects to Heroku to let users discuss new and upcoming tech.

Primary LanguageCSS

E-Tech Blog


Table of Contents

Live website at: https://e-techblog.herokuapp.com/


E-Tech Blog is a website that allows the user to view blog posts from other users, to create an account, add blog posts, and sign out when they are done. It utilizes express, sequelize, handlebars, node, mysql, bcrypt, and more packages in order to function. It is also deployed to Heroku. It follows the Model-View-Controller framework and will see revisions to add additional functionality in the future such as: updating posts, deleting posts, and more.


Clone this repository, set up your own .env file locally, install node packages, source the schema.sql in mysql, and then npm start. To connect it to Heroku you will have to connect the project from your local machine to heroku and upload it there or do what I did and have it connect directly to your github account. You will also have to add the add-on jaws.db for Heroku to be able to run the application properly.


Click login, from there you can sign up if you are a new user or login if you have an existing account. From there you can go to the dashboard and add posts, upon adding posts, you can view existing posts on the home page. Logout when done!

Contributions & Guidelines

To contribute to this project just reach out to me and I would love to hear your input. As long as you can show me that you have it working locally we can find a way to implement your features on the main website.


tests are yet to come


To reach me by email click here.

Click for my Github profile.

