
Arduino firmware controlling a "Cone To Hank" Winding Machine

Primary LanguageC++

Arduino firmware for a "Cone to Hank" winding machine

  • Hardware Description
    • MCU: Arduino Leonardo (atmega32u4)
    • Display: 1.3" 128x64 I2C SH1106 OLED Display
    • Navigation: Joystick module
    • Motor controller: L298N
    • Turn sensor: Optical detector
    • Start/Pause/Stop button with embedded LED


  • Firmware features
    • Navigation menu
      • Joystick control (up/down/left/right/select)
      • Configure number of turns and motor speed
      • Manual motor control
      • Save current settings as default in eeprom
    • Start/Stop/Pause button/led
    • Control motor (direction and speed/pwm)
    • Counts turns based on optical encoder inputs
    • Watchdog reset & recovery
    • Splash screen & screensaver

... only ~100 bytes left in SRAM between heap/stack ...

  • Development environment
    • Microsoft's Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO IDE extension
    • Build targets:
      • leonardo
        Release target (expect simavr in gdb mode [-g] for debug)
      • leonardo-mmcu
        Include the .mmcu section to the ELF output (dropped otherwise) avr_mcu_section.c defines simavr parameters as well as addresses (I/O, SRAM, ...) to include in vcd output. e.g. monitor stack and heap trends (and clashes) over time as 'analog' signals