Scripts I use to manipulate data for my machine learning (mainly computer vision) problems. Pillow and SKLearn are required dependencies.
File which contains functions designed to split the images in numpy arrays which are easy to adapt to our ML problem.
The functions present in this file are:
- process_images_npy
- open_npy_data
- compute_class_weight
Reads the images and splits them in arrays.
Arguments :
- original_data_path: Directory from where to read the images.
- dir_to_save: Directory where to store the numpy arrays.
- image_resolution: Tuple containing the height and width in which to store the images.
- class_size_limit=None(Optional): Number of images to read from each class. If not defined, will read all images from all classes.
- data_split = 0.9(Optional): Fraction of images to store in the data array. If not defined, will default to 90%.
- grayscale = False: Either to read images as RGB (3 channels) or grayscale (0 channels). If not define will default to RGB.
Loads the .npy files stores by process_images_npy
- data_dir: Directory where the arrays are stored.
- train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels: 4 arrays where our data is stored according to the array's name.
Wrapper for SKLearn's compute_class_weight which only needs the train labels. Used to balance the training for unbalanced datasets.
- train_labels: The labels of our training data.
- class_weight_dict: A dict which shall be fed as an argument to the method to tell it to pay more attention to certain classes whcich as underrepresented in our dataset.
File which contains one function designed to split and rearrange the images' directory in order for it to be in the right structure to be fed to keras' ImageDataGenerator.
The mentioned structure follows the template for N Classes:
The following image further illustrates the structure for a binary classification problem:
Responsible for rearranging and image directory to follow the ImageDataGenerator structure.
- original_data_path: Directory from where to read the images.
- dir_to_save: Directory where to create the new structure and store the images
- class_size_limit=None(Optional): Number of images to read from each class. If not defined, will read all images from all classes.
- data_split = 0.9(Optional): Fraction of images to store in the data array. If not defined, will default to 90%.