library module:
An extensible transformation library for XQuery 3.0.
Author: John Snelson
Version: 0.9
- Functions: tfm:mode#1, tfm:extend-mode#2, tfm:named-mode#1, tfm:named-extend-mode#2, tfm:named-rules#1, tfm:rule#2, tfm:rule#3, tfm:predicate-rule#2, tfm:resolver#1, tfm:pattern#1, tfm:pattern#2, tfm:param#2, tfm:param#3, tfm:get-param#2
$rules as (function(xs:string) as function(*)?)*
) as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*
Returns a mode function, which can be called to perform the transformation specified by the rules passed in as arguments. Call tfm:rule(), or tfm:predicate-rule() to create rules to pass into this function.
Mode functions take the following arguments:
- $nodes as node()*: The context nodes to execute the mode on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
- $rules as (function(xs:string) as function(*)?)*: The sequence of rules to use to create the mode, in increasing precedence.
- function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*: A mode function.
$mode as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*,
$rules as (function(xs:string) as function(*)?)*
) as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*
Returns a new mode function, which extends the transformation from the mode argument, adding the additional rules in higher precedence. Call tfm:rule(), or tfm:predicate-rule() to create rules to pass into this function.
Mode functions take the following arguments:
- $nodes as node()*: The context nodes to execute the mode on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
$mode as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*: The mode to extend.
$rules as (function(xs:string) as function(*)?)*: The sequence of rules to use to create the mode, in increasing precedence.
- function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*: A mode function.
$name as xs:string*
) as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*
Returns a mode function constructed from the functions annotated with the given name in the %tfm:rule() annotation.
Mode functions take the following arguments:
- $nodes as node()*: The context nodes to execute the mode on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
- $name as xs:string*: The name(s) used in the %tfm:rule() annotation in the functions for the mode to construct.
- function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*: A mode function.
If reflection capabilites are not supported by your XQuery implementation.
$mode as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*,
$name as xs:string*
) as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*
Returns a new mode function, which extends the transformation from the mode argument, adding additional rules constructed from the functions annotated with the given name in the %tfm:rule() annotation.
Mode functions take the following arguments:
- $nodes as node()*: The context nodes to execute the mode on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
$mode as function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*: The mode to extend.
$name as xs:string*: The name(s) used in the %tfm:rule() annotation in the functions for the mode to construct.
- function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*: A mode function.
If reflection capabilites are not supported by your XQuery implementation.
$name as xs:string*
) as (function(xs:string) as function(*)?)*
Returns a sequence of rules constructed from the functions annotated with the given name(s) in the %tfm:rule() annotation.
- $name as xs:string*: The name(s) used in the %tfm:rule() annotation in the functions for the mode to construct.
- (function(xs:string) as function(*)?)*: A sequence of rules wrapped as functions, in increasing order by the priority from the %tfm:rule annotation.
If reflection capabilites are not supported by your XQuery implementation.
$pattern as xs:string,
$action as function(*)
) as function(xs:string) as function(*)?
Returns a rule constructed from the pattern and action specified. Rules are represented as a single function.
Action functions should take between 2 and 3 arguments. If the function takes fewer arguments, they are the arguments at the start of this list:
- $mode as function(node()*) as item()*: The mode function, used to re-apply the mode on further nodes. Can alternately be specified as type function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*, which accepts parameters as the second argument.
- $context as node(): The context node that the rule is executed on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
- $next-match as function() as item()*: The next-mode function. Can alternately be specified as type function(function() as item()*?) as item()*, which accepts parameters as the second argument.
$pattern as xs:string: The pattern string that the rule must match.
$action as function(*): The action function to be executed when the rule is matched.
- function(xs:string) as function(*)?: The rule wrapped as a function.
$pattern as xs:string,
$action as function(*),
$resolver as item()
) as function(xs:string) as function(*)?
Returns a rule constructed from the pattern and action specified. Rules are represented as a single function.
Action functions should take between 2 and 3 arguments. If the function takes fewer arguments, they are the arguments at the start of this list:
- $mode as function(node()*) as item()*: The mode function, used to re-apply the mode on further nodes. Can alternately be specified as type function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*, which accepts parameters as the second argument.
- $context as node(): The context node that the rule is executed on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
- $next-match as function() as item()*: The next-mode function. Can alternately be specified as type function(function() as item()*?) as item()*, which accepts parameters as the second argument.
$pattern as xs:string: The pattern string that the rule must match.
$action as function(*): The action function to be executed when the rule is matched.
$resolver as item(): Either an element from which to take the namespace bindings, or a function of type function(xs:string) as xs:QName.
- function(xs:string) as function(*)?: The rule wrapped as a function.
$predicate as function(*),
$action as function(*)
) as function(xs:string) as function(*)?
Returns a rule constructed from the predicate function and action specified. Rules are represented as a single function.
The predicate function takes a node as an argument and returns true if the node matches. Returning false or raising an error is considered a non-match. Typing the argument of the function provided with a SequenceType of element(), attribute(), etc. will result in the predicate function being optimized by only attempting to be matched against that type of name.
Action functions should take between 2 and 3 arguments. If the function takes fewer arguments, they are the arguments at the start of this list:
- $mode as function(node()*) as item()*: The mode function, used to re-apply the mode on further nodes. Can alternately be specified as type function(node()*,function() as item()*?) as item()*, which accepts parameters as the second argument.
- $context as node(): The context node that the rule is executed on.
- $params as function() as item()*?: An rbtree.xq map of parameters passed to the mode, or the empty sequence. Can be constructed by tfm:param#2 and tfm:param#3.
- $next-match as function() as item()*: The next-mode function. Can alternately be specified as type function(function() as item()*?) as item()*, which accepts parameters as the second argument.
$predicate as function(*)
$action as function(*): The action function to be executed when the rule is matched.
- function(xs:string) as function(*)?: The rule wrapped as a function.
$element as element()
) as function(xs:string) as xs:QName
Returns a prefix resolver function that resolves prefixes by looking them up in the namespace bindings of the element.
- $element as element(): The element whose namespace bindings should be used.
- function(xs:string) as xs:QName: The resolver function.
$pattern as xs:string
) as function(*)
Compiles the pattern given in the string argument to a predicate function, which takes a node as the argument, and returns true if the node matches the pattern. If the predicate returns false or raises an error, the node does not match the pattern.
- $pattern as xs:string: The pattern string.
- function(*): The predicate function.
$pattern as xs:string,
$resolver as item()
) as function(*)
Compiles the pattern given in the string argument to a predicate function, which takes a node as the argument, and returns true if the node matches the pattern. If the predicate returns false or raises an error, the node does not match the pattern.
$pattern as xs:string: The pattern string.
$resolver as item(): Either an element from which to take the namespace bindings, or a function of type function(xs:string) as xs:QName which resolves a lexical QName to an xs:QName.
- function(*): The predicate function.
$name as xs:string,
$value as item()*
) as function() as item()*
Helper function to allow simple construction of a parameters map suitable for passing to a mode function, given the parameter name and value.
$name as xs:string: The parameter name.
$value as item()*: The parameter value.
- function() as item()*: An rbtree.xq map containing the parameter.
$params as function() as item()*?,
$name as xs:string,
$value as item()*
) as function() as item()*
Helper function to allow simple construction of a parameters map suitable for passing to a mode function, given an existing map, the parameter name, and value.
$params as function() as item()*?: An existing rbtree.xq map of parameters, or the empty sequence.
$name as xs:string: The parameter name.
$value as item()*: The parameter value.
- function() as item()*: An rbtree.xq map containing the original parameters augmeneted with the new parameter.
$params as function() as item()*?,
$name as xs:string
) as item()*
Helper function to retrive a parameter from a parameters map.
$params as function() as item()*?: An existing rbtree.xq map of parameters, or the empty sequence.
$name as xs:string: The parameter name.
- item()*: The parameter value, or empty sequence if not found.
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