
This repository contains the code for the paper "Website Fingerprinting in the Age of QUIC" (PETS 2021).

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Website Fingerprinting in the Age of QUIC

This repository contains the code for the paper "Website Fingerprinting in the Age of QUIC" (PETS 2021).

The code is divided into "workflows" with each workflow responsible for one or a few related experiments. Each workflow contains the scripts for collecting and processing data, performing machine learning classification, and generating plots for the paper.

Data Availability Statements

The data used to support this paper are provided in two sets:

  • quic-wf-core.tgz (831 MB):
    • The domains used for scanning and the scan results in CSV format with headers.
    • The open-world-dataset in HDF5 format with class, protocol, and VPN location labels; arrays of sizes and timestamps; and packets below 175 bytes removed.
  • quic-wf-raw.tar (28 GB):
    • The raw fetch QUIC and TCP traces and their associated metadata.
    • Each file is a JSON stream of objects with the following, possible null-valued, keys:
      • url, final_url: requested and final redirected URLs
      • status: HTTP status code of the fetch
      • protocol: protocol used to request the main page, "quic" or "tcp"
      • packets: base64 encoded PCAP for the request
      • http_trace: Chromium DevTools performance log (reference)

Note: A QUIC trace in the dataset refers to a trace of a Wireguard tunnel containing a mixture of QUIC and TCP packets associated with requesting the web-page over a QUIC connection. This means that at the least the initial connection to the web-server is over QUIC.

Computational Requirements

Software Requirements

  • Bash
  • Git and Git-LFS 2.17
  • Python 3.7
    • Dependencies listed in requirements.txt
    • The wf-tools library
  • Optional:
    • Docker 19.03.12
    • Wireguard v1.0.20200513
    • docker-machine v0.16.2

Memory and Runtime Requirements

The code was last run on a computing cluster with each experiment running on 2–4 cores (each 2.4 GHz), 6 GB main memory per core. Machine learning training and testing used an additional 0–2 GPUs based on the classifier. These jobs were run in parallel to reduce runtime, with each train-test split requiring 1–3 hours.

Note: The current requirements.txt specifies tensorflow-cpu. If you have access to a GPU then install tensorflow-gpu instead.

Getting Started

A virutal box image with code and data already downloaded is currently available at this link for quick access.

The instructions below describe how setup and run the workflow from scratch.

1. Clone the repository and change to the directory.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/jpcsmith/wf-in-the-age-of-quic.git
# Change to the code directory
cd wf-in-the-age-of-quic/
# Download the git LFS files
git lfs pull

2. Create and activate a virtual environment

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

3. Install the Python requirements

# Ensure that pip is the latest version
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Install the requirements using pip
python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

If the installation fails, ensure that the Python development libraries are installed and retry the above. On Ubuntu 18.04, this would be the python3.7-dev and python3-venv packages.

4. (Optional) Download and extract the data

wget https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/u10mAN6NCcDP39U/download -O quic-wf-core.tgz
tar -xzvf quic-wf-core.tgz

5. (Optional) Install Docker and Wireguard

If planning to run trace-collection, i.e. from the Fetch QUIC Traces workflow, install docker (19.03.12) and Wireguard (v1.0.20200513).

6. Run the desired workflow

Change to the desired workflow's directory and follow the instructions for running the workflow.

Mapping of Paper Sections to Workflows

The workflows responsible for the various sections of the paper are mapped below.

Paper Section Workflows Directories
4. Combined QUIC-TCP Dataset Identify QUIC Sites
Fetch QUIC Traces
6. From TCP to QUIC Generalisability Analysis
Single and Mixed Analyses
7. Joint Classification of QUIC and TCP Single and Mixed Analyses
Distinguish Protocol
8. Remove Control Packets Removing Control Packets workflows/removing-control-packets

List of Tables and Programs

The following table lists the programs and files responsible for the various tables and figures found in the paper. Notebooks are located in the notebooks/ directory and outputs in the results/plots directory relative to the associated workflow.

Figure/Table Workflow Notebook Output file
Table 2 Generalisability Analysis confusion-matrix.ipynb confusion-matrix.tex
Figure 2 Generalisability Analysis result-analysis.ipynb score-vs-quic-presence.pgf
Figure 3 Single and Mixed Analyses feature-analysis.ipynb feature-rank-comparison.pgf
Figure 4 Single and Mixed Analyses determine-num-quic-features.ipynb quic-feature-scores.pgf
Figure 5 Distinguish Protocol split-classify.ipynb split-classify.pgf
Figure 6 Distinguish Protocol distinguisher-performance.ipynb distinguisher-performance.pgf
Figure 7 Distinguish Protocol distinguisher-performance.ipynb distinguisher-importance.pgf
Figure 8 Removing Control Packets min-size-analysis.ipynb packet-size-ecdf.pgf
Table 3 Removing Control Packets min-size-analysis.ipynb embedded in notebook
Figure 9 Fetch QUIC Traces resource-distribution.ipynb quic-resource-dist.pgf
Figure 10 Generalisability Analysis vary-deploy.ipynb vary-deployment.pgf
Figure 11a Generalisability Analysis result-analysis-curve.ipynb quic-presence-prcurve.pgf
Figure 11b Distinguish Protocol split-classify.ipynb split-classify-prcurve.pgf
Figure 11c Removing Control Packets min-size-analysis-curve.ipynb score-vs-min-packet-size-prcurve.pgf


The code and associated data is released under an MIT licence as found in the LICENCE file.