
A node.js express.js application that uses user input to create, store and delete notes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note Taking Application Using Node.js and express.js 👋

Twitter: jpdewoody


🔍 A node.js express.js application that uses user input to create, store and delete notes.

💻 Below is the picture of the application:

Note Taker

Application deployed live on heroku

User Story

AS A small business owner
I WANT to be able to write and save notes
SO THAT I can organize my thoughts and keep track of tasks I need to complete

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a note-taking application
WHEN I open the Note Taker
THEN I am presented with a landing page with a link to a notes page
WHEN I click on the link to the notes page
THEN I am presented with a page with existing notes listed in the left-hand column, plus empty fields to enter a new note title and the note’s text in the right-hand column
WHEN I enter a new note title and the note’s text
THEN a Save icon appears in the navigation at the top of the page
WHEN I click on the Save icon
THEN the new note I have entered is saved and appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes
WHEN I click on an existing note in the list in the left-hand column
THEN that note appears in the right-hand column
WHEN I click on the Write icon in the navigation at the top of the page
THEN I am presented with empty fields to enter a new note title and the note’s text in the right-hand column

Table of Contents



npm init

npm install node

npm install express

npm install jest --save-dev

'heroku create



Run the following command at the root of your project and answer the prompted questions:

npm start



npm install jest --save-dev


:octocat: Joseph DeWoody


✉️ Contact me with any questions: email , GitHub