
TESS Quick Look light curve analyser

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Transit Quick Look plot generator. tql handles TESS short cadence data (from SPOC pipeline) and long cadence data (from QLP, TGLC, CDIPS, PATHOS, DIAmante, and custom pipelines) light curves. kql handles K2 short cadence (SPOC pipeline) and long cadence (EVEREST, K2SFF). Note that chronos is a dependency.

Run at Google colab

Open In Colab

TQL gallery

Outputs are available at tql-gallery


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -gaia2id GAIA2ID      Gaia DR2 ID
  -gaia3id GAIA3ID      Gaia DR3 ID
  -toi TOI              TOI ID
  -tic TIC              TIC ID
                        e.g. '08:09:10 -05:04:23' or '22.5 -12.56'
  -name NAME            target name
  -sec SECTOR, --sector SECTOR
                        TESS sector
  -c {long,short}, --cadence {long,short}
                        30-min long or 2-min short (default)
  -sr SEARCH_RADIUS, --search_radius SEARCH_RADIUS
                        search radius in arcsec (default=3)
  -lc {pdcsap,sap,custom,cdips,pathos,qlp,tglc,diamante}, --lctype {pdcsap,sap,custom,cdips,pathos,qlp,tglc,diamante}
                        type of lightcurve
  -a {pipeline,round,square,percentile,threshold}, --aper_mask {pipeline,round,square,percentile,threshold}
                        aperture mask type
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        mask threshold in sigma
  -r APER_RADIUS, --aper_radius APER_RADIUS
                        mask radius in pix
  -perc PERCENTILE, --percentile PERCENTILE
                        mask percentile
  -qb {none,default,hard,hardest}, --quality_bitmask {none,default,hard,hardest}
                        FFI cutout size for long cadence (default=[12,12] pix)
  -method FLATTEN_METHOD, --flatten_method FLATTEN_METHOD
                        wotan flatten method (default=biweight)
  -w WINDOW_LENGTH, --window_length WINDOW_LENGTH
                        flatten method window length (default=0.5 days)
  -e EDGE_CUTOFF, --edge_cutoff EDGE_CUTOFF
                        cut each edges (default=0.1 days)
  --sigma_clip_raw SIGMA_CLIP_RAW SIGMA_CLIP_RAW
                        (sigma_lo,sigma_hi) for outlier rejection after
                        flattening lc
                        (sigma_lo,sigma_hi) for outlier rejection after
                        flattening lc
  -qm, --quality_mask   remove chunks of bad cadences identified in data
                        release notes
                        period limits in TLS periodogram search; default=(0.5,
                        baseline/2) days
  -b BIN_HR, --bin_hr BIN_HR
                        bin size in folded lc (default=4 hr if -c=long else
                        0.5 hr)
  -n NEARBY_GAIA_RADIUS, --nearby_gaia_radius NEARBY_GAIA_RADIUS
                        nearby gaia sources to consider (default=120 arcsec)
  -u, --use_priors      use star priors for detrending and periodogram
  -g, --gls             run GLS pipeline
  -f, --find_cluster    find if target is in cluster (default=False)
  -s, --save            save figure and tls
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        output directory
  -v, --verbose         show details
  --redo                overwrite
  -img, --use_archival_image
                        plot gaia sources on archival image instead of tpf
  -var, --check_if_variable
                        check if target is in variable star catalog
                        mask ephemeris given period and t0
  -st, --spec_type      estimate spectral type
  -age, --gyro_age      estimate gyro age using stardate



  1. Show quick look plot of TOI 241.01 with archival image
tql -toi 241 -img

The generated figure shows 9 panels (see plot below):

  • top row
    • left: background-subtracted, PLD-corrected lightcurve and trend
    • middle: lomb-scargle periodogram
    • right: phase-folded at peak stellar rotation period (if any)
  • middle row
    • left: flattened lightcurve and transit (determined from TLS on the right)
    • middle: TLS periodogram
    • right: tpf with overlaid TESS aperture and annotated gaia sources
  • bottom row
    • left: phase-folded lightcurve at orbital period of odd and even transits with transit depth referenceeclipse
    • middle: phase-folded lightcurve zoomed at phase 0.5 to see secondary
    • right: summary info
tql -tic 52368076 -v -s (uses pdcsap by default)
tql -toi 125.01 -v  -s -lc sap
tql -toi 125.01 -v -s -sec 2 (specify sector)
tql -toi 125 -v  -s -c long (long cadence, custom by default)
tql -toi 125.01 -v -a pipeline (default aperture)
tql -toi 125.01 -v -a round -r 1 (round aperture 1 pix in radius)
tql -toi 125.01 -v -a square -r 2 (square aperture 2 pix in radius)
tql -toi 125.01 -v -a percentile -perc 90
tql -toi 125.01 -v -a threshold -t 5
tql -toi 125.01 -v -a threshold -g (gls periodogram)
tql -toi 125 -v  -s -c long -lc qlp (Quick Look Pipeline)
tql -toi 125 -v  -s -c long -lc cdips (CDIPS Pipeline)
tql -toi 125 -v  -s -c long -lc pathos (PATHOS Pipeline)

For K2 lightcurves,

kql -name 'k2-95' -v -img -s -lc k2sff -c long              
kql -name 'k2-95' -v -img -s -lc everest -c long              

Advanced usage

If you would like to run tql on a list of TIC IDs (saved as new_tics.txt), then we have to make a batch script named run_tql_new_tics.batch. Its output files containing the plots (.png) and tls_results (.h5) will be saved in new_tics directory:

cat new_tics.txt | while read tic; do echo tql -tic $tic -pld -s -o ../new_tics; done > run_tql_new_tics.batch

To test the Nth line of the batch script,

cat run_tql_new_tics.batch | sed -n Np | sh

To run all the lines in parallel using N cores (use -j<48 cores so that muscat-ut will not be very slow!),

cat run_tql_new_tics.batch | parallel -j N

After the batch script is done, we can rank TLS output in terms of SDE using rank_tls script:

rank_tls indir

To do