A C# .NET class library containing tools for parsing the command line arguments of console applications.
Pinned issues
- 1
Trying to use negative double value cause Exception
#70 opened by tundy - 1
- 0
Breaking changes for v6.0.0
#68 opened by jpdillingham - 1
- 1
Documentation oversight
#65 opened by GerryOnGithub - 5
Fails to read argument strings starting with /
#61 opened by StefanH-AT - 1
Arguments using only long name?
#62 opened by StefanH-AT - 0
Breaking changes for v5.0.0
#64 opened by jpdillingham - 2
Arguments starting with non-Alpha characters followed by Forward slashes are dropped completely
#60 opened by Barryrowe - 0
Breaking changes for v4.0.0
#59 opened by jpdillingham - 1
- 2
Subcommad support
#53 opened by RajaSrinivasan - 1
- 0
Fix Travis CI configuration of sonarscanner
#56 opened by jpdillingham - 0
- 0
Breaking changes for v3.0.0
#47 opened by jpdillingham - 0
Implicit Type identification via stack inspection doesn't work when called from async methods
#45 opened by jpdillingham - 0
- 0
Properties backing arguments with multiple values not populated properly if short and long argument names are specified
#15 opened by jpdillingham - 0
Support enums
#24 opened by jpdillingham - 1
- 2
Populate() does not work with .NET Core 2.x
#40 opened by jpdillingham - 1
Add support for default values
#37 opened by jpdillingham - 1
- 0
Target .NET Standard 2.0
#29 opened by jpdillingham - 2
Create a way to build a help
#22 opened by JulioGold - 0
Rename Extensions
#25 opened by jpdillingham - 0
- 2
Values can't start with a slash
#26 opened by MatthiasJentsch - 1
.net core support
#20 opened - 3
Null reference error
#3 opened by MarkRK