
This repository holds scripts for demo tutorials on my youtube channel.

Script Youtube Video
dataManipulation.R How to manipulate gene expression data from NCBI GEO in R using dplyr
visualize_ggplot2.R Visualize gene expression data in R using ggplot2
dataformats.R Reading single-cell data in R: H5AD, loom, MEX, AnnData formats
singleCell_standard_workflow.R How to analyze single-cell RNA-Seq data in R
runDESeq2.R , getData.R DESeq2 workflow tutorial
singleCell_integration.R Integrate single-cell RNA-Seq datasets in R using Seurat (CCA)
singleCell_doublets.R DoubletFinder: Detect doublets in single-cell RNA-Seq data in R
microrray_RMA_normalize.R How to read and normalize microarray data in R - RMA normalization
singleCell_integrate_harmony.R Integrate single-cell RNA-Seq data in R using Harmony
singleCell_CI_markers.R Find markers and cluster identification in single-cell RNA-Seq using Seurat
singleCell_pseudoBulk.R Pseudo-bulk analysis for single-cell RNA-Seq data