
Mashgin :: Full-Stack Take Home Assignment

Primary LanguageVue

Mashgin :: Full-Stack Take Home Assignment


Create a simple checkout web app with client app and server API.

The users should be able to see menu items fetched from the web API, add/remove items to their cart, fill a payment form and submit the order to the web API.

The payment doesn't need to be processed and the endpoint can just store the order in a file or db and return a successful response.


The project has the following backend dependencies:

Also the project has the following fronted dependencies:

How to use it


There is a Makefile to facilitate the project's usage. Here are the available commands:

make setup  # Install dependencies related to application
make run    # Start application
make test   # Perform unit tests on application

The web server will be running on http://localhost:5000/.


Here are the available commands:

npm install    # Project setup
npm run serve  # Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run build  # Compiles and minifies for production


  • open browser and access http://localhost:8080/
    • we recommend to use Chrome because there is a problem with CORS
    • use this Chrome Extension called Allow CORS

Directory Structure

The docker-compose.yml file has two declared services: api e test.

Inside docker/Dockerfile backend dependencies are declared - libs.

Folder app/ is the main directory of the backend part of the project. Inside it, there are python files each one with its own responsibility. Here follows in details:

  • init.py: file with global configurations of the project
  • main.py: file responsible to start the application
  • models.py: file with Python classes related to data layer (Peewee ORM + SQLite3 communication)
  • views.py: controller file with all API endpoints available

Folder app-front is the main directory of the frontend part of the project. The structure follows Vue.js recommendation. Here follows in details:

  • src/components: one component called Product.vue was developed to display the menu options as cards
  • src/App.vue: the main page of the frontend application