
lint-staged lints unstaged files

tonirah opened this issue · 1 comments


Having changes in several files, some staged for commit and some not, the pre-commit hook will fail if there are linting errors in an unstaged file.

Expected behavior

pre-commit hook / lint-stage should affect staged files and ignore unstaged files.


I think the lint-stage config is the issue:

// package.json
 "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore \"src/**/*.+(ts|js|tsx)\"",
    "format": "prettier --ignore-path .gitignore \"src/**/*.+(ts|js|tsx)\" --write",
"lint-staged": {
    "./src/**/*.{ts,js,jsx,tsx}": [
      "yarn lint --fix",
      "yarn format"

Attaching the path \"src/**/*.+(ts|js|tsx)\" to both commands will make eslint and prettier run on all files.
See also: lint-staged/lint-staged#869

Proposed solution

// package.json
  "lint-staged": {
    "./src/**/*.{ts,js,jsx,tsx}": [
      "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore --fix",
      "prettier --ignore-path .gitignore --write"

Works for me. lint-stage appends the staged file paths at the end of the commands. Should I open an PR with this?

Hey @tonirah, thanks for reporting it!

I'll test the solution and update it in the following days! Thanks