Non-opinionated TypeScript starter for Next.js 15. All the tools you need to build your next project ⚡️
- alextavellaTavella Tech
- araguaciArtes do Sul
- b3codedAgendor
- brunokiafuka@shopify
- cheikhbamba
- danieldfcSolarmarket
- doc22940Bells Vista Farm
- Dussed@aitum
- dyjarufaRio de Janeiro - RJ
- gagigante@olaisaac
- GodofKim
- helenapaixao@superagendador
- icaroov@TallerWebSolutions
- intrpt-takeInterrupt, Inc.
- joaopedroaszNatal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil
- joel-darosBlumenau, SC, Brazil
- k4y4k@ACRRM
- larsroettig@adobe
- LauraBeatris@clerk
- leandrovi@agencyenterprise
- luzimar
- mateusbzerra@Toptal
- mehrdad-shokriVolvo
- mg901@typographist
- mirzap@bosnadev
- ppsiriusERGO Digital
- PrunedNeuron
- rafaeloneNextPage
- RBritoXConta Simples
- rohit-gohri@deliveryhero
- RubensKjMercado Livre
- seancwalshBansko, BG
- Tiago4gRecife - Pernambuco
- tysonwolkerQ-CTRL
- ValchanOficial@grupoboticario
- zomerviniciusJoinville, Brazil