
My personal set of dotfiles. Includes zsh, git, vim, tux configurations and a few other tools I make use of.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Dotfiles 👋

This is my current dotfile setup. It is opinionated and I can't guarantee that it will work for anyone who isn't me. But use these to experiment, learn, and heck - maybe you just want the exact same setup I use. In that case, go all out and look below for instructions.

What's included

  • Vim setup (see install-vim and configs/vimrc)
  • Git configuration (With git-flow)
  • Tmux configuration (With TPM)
  • Zsh shell setup (with antibody)
  • A couple of terminal fonts

Installation process

I'm in the process of converting my dotfiles to chezmoi, which is honestly fantastic. I recommend you go through the documentation to figure out exactly how it works, but the very quick way to install these is as follows:

BINDIR=~/.bin sh -c "$(curl -fsLS git.io/chezmoi)" -- init --apply fredoliveira