###LTW Project

Create a web application where users can create, share, and manage events.

To create this application, students should:

  1. Create a sqlite database where data about users and events is stored.
  2. Create documents using HTML and CSS that represent the web pages of the application.
  3. Use PHP to generate those web pages after retrieving/changing data from the database.
  4. Use Javascript or jQuery to enhance the user experience (for example using Ajax).
  5. Work groups
  6. project will be completed by students in groups of three (except in cases where the number of students is not a multiple of three).

The list of groups will be published shortly.


The minimum expected requirements are the following:

  1. Users should be able to register an account.
  2. Users should be able to login/logout from the system.
  3. Registered users should be able to create a event.
  4. Registered users should be able to manage (edit, delete, …) their events.
  5. Events should contain one image, a date, a description and a type (e.g. party, concert, conference, …).
  6. Users should be able to search for and register in events.
  7. Users should not be able to register twice in the same event.
  8. Event owners and users that registered to an event, should be able to add comments to the event.
  9. The following technologies should all be used: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript (by means of jQuery), Ajax/JSON, PDO/SQL (using sqlite).
  10. The web site should be as secure as possible.
  11. Code should be organized and consistent.

Some suggested extra requirements:

  1. Event owners should be able to decide if the event is public or private.
  2. Private events should not appear on searches. Users must be invited to private events.
  3. A forum (with threads and posts) for each event instead of a simple comment system.
  4. Ability to add photos to events. And maybe albuns.
  5. Possibility to share a event using email or a social network.
  6. And whatever you come up with…