
a ruby wrapper for the black desert market api.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

auciel gem version

auciel is a wrapper for the black desert central market api. its purpose is to enable developers to get data from the market more easily, without having to figure out the strict (and odd) request structures required for the raw central market api.

built with the tsurezure gem version framework.


installing from rubygems

# gemfile

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'auciel'
# script.rb

require 'auciel'

server = Auciel.new 8888



gem install auciel


coming soon

using source code

download this repo. then, in your ruby script:

require_relative 'path/to/lib/auciel'

# default port is 8888
server = Auciel.new 8888

# server will be ready for requests at localhost:8888

you can also just run ruby main.rb in the root directory and a server will start at localhost:8888.

specifying a region

by default, this application will contact the na version of the central market. to change this, you can run auciel with an environment variable BDO_AP_REGION set to your desired region. if you're using the source code, you can go to lib/constants.rb and change REGION directly.

here are the available values for REGION in constants.rb / the BDO_AP_REGION environment variable:

BDO_AP_REGION setting region market domain
na na-trade.naeu.playblackdesert.com
eu eu-trade.naeu.playblackdesert.com
eu_console eu-trade.console.playblackdesert.com
na_console na-trade.console.playblackdesert.com
asia_console asia-trade.console.playblackdesert.com
sea trade.sea.playblackdesert.com
mena trade.tr.playblackdesert.com
kr trade.kr.playblackdesert.com
ru trade.ru.playblackdesert.com
jp trade.jp.playblackdesert.com
th trade.th.playblackdesert.com
tw trade.tw.playblackdesert.com
sa blackdesert-tradeweb.playredfox.com


  1. get item by id
  2. get item by category
  3. search for an item
  4. get prices by item id
  5. get list of popular items
  6. get market waitlist


retrieves information about an item based on its id. equivalent to GetWorldMarketSubList in the raw api. example:

GET https://localhost:8888/item/702

  "data": [
      "pricePerOne": 10700,
      "totalTradeCount": 14269193,
      "keyType": 0,
      "mainKey": 702,
      "subKey": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "name": "Elixir of Will",
      "grade": 1,
      "mainCategory": 35,
      "subCategory": 2,
      "chooseKey": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false


retrieves a list of items in a category and subcategory. equivalent to GetWorldMarketList in the raw api. example:

GET https://localhost:8888/item/35/1

  "data": [
      "mainKey": 504,
      "sumCount": 0,
      "name": "Melee AP Enhancer",
      "grade": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "minPrice": 93500,
      "id": 504
      "mainKey": 505,
      "sumCount": 0,
      "name": "Ranged AP Enhancer",
      "grade": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "minPrice": 93500,
      "id": 505


/search?q=<search text>

retrieves a list of items whose names match the provided url encoded search string. equivalent to GetWorldMarketSearchList in the raw api. example:

GET http://localhost:8888/search?q=blood

  "data": [
      "mainKey": 3040,
      "sumCount": 1,
      "totalSumCount": 77500000,
      "name": "Muskan's Bloody Steel Helmet",
      "grade": 2,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 3040
      "mainKey": 4453,
      "sumCount": 2674,
      "totalSumCount": 236000,
      "name": "Blood Ruby",
      "grade": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 4453
      "mainKey": 5005,
      "sumCount": 30309,
      "totalSumCount": 19000,
      "name": "Bloody Tree Knot",
      "grade": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 5005



retrieves a detailed price list for a specified item id. equivalent to GetItemSellBuyInfo in the raw api, and similar to GetBiddingInfoList. example:

GET http://localhost:8888/prices/702

  "data": {
    "pricePoints": [
    "buySellCounts": [
        "sellCount": 0,
        "buyCount": 0,
        "pricePerOne": 12500
        "sellCount": 0,
        "buyCount": 0,
        "pricePerOne": 12600
        "sellCount": 0,
        "buyCount": 0,
        "pricePerOne": 12700



retrieves a list of currently popular items. equivalent to GetWorldMarketHotList in the raw api. example:

GET http://localhost:8888/hot

  "data": [
      "subtype": 0,
      "pricePerOne": 66000,
      "totalTradeCount": 340891,
      "fluctuationType": 2,
      "fluctuationPrice": 12500,
      "keyType": 0,
      "mainKey": 641,
      "subKey": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "name": "[Party] Elixir of Fury",
      "grade": 1,
      "mainCategory": 35,
      "subCategory": 0,
      "chooseKey": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 641,
      "fluctuationDirection": "up"
      "subtype": 0,
      "pricePerOne": 47800,
      "totalTradeCount": 1780501,
      "fluctuationType": 1,
      "fluctuationPrice": 12200,
      "keyType": 0,
      "mainKey": 683,
      "subKey": 0,
      "count": 8446,
      "name": "Surging Energy Elixir",
      "grade": 2,
      "mainCategory": 35,
      "subCategory": 0,
      "chooseKey": 0,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 683,
      "fluctuationDirection": "down"



retrieves a list of currently waitlisted items. equivalent to GetWorldMarketWaitList in the raw api. example:

GET http://localhost:8888/waitlist

  "data": [
      "keyType": 0,
      "mainKey": 11103,
      "subKey": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "name": "Urugon's Shoes",
      "grade": 3,
      "mainCategory": 15,
      "subCategory": 0,
      "chooseKey": 20,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 11103,
      "waitEndTime": "2023-03-04T20:03:55+00:00",
      "waitEndTimestampMs": 1677960235417,
      "pricePerOne": 12400000000
      "keyType": 0,
      "mainKey": 12230,
      "subKey": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "name": "Basilisk's Belt",
      "grade": 3,
      "mainCategory": 20,
      "subCategory": 0,
      "chooseKey": 5,
      "isGodrAyed": false,
      "id": 12230,
      "waitEndTime": "2023-03-04T20:11:04+00:00",
      "waitEndTimestampMs": 1677960664373,
      "pricePerOne": 53000000000


item categories

here's a list of item types with their categories / subcategories for the item/:cat/:sub endpoint. for example, you could retrieve a list of foods at item/35/4.

item type category subcategories
main weapon 1 1-20
sub-weapon 5 1-18
awakening 10 1-24
armor 15 1-6
accessories 20 1-4
lightstone 85 1-5
material 25 1-8
enhancement / upgrade 30 1-2
consumables 35 1-8
life tools 40 1-10
alchemy stone 45 1-4
magic crystal 50 1-4
pearl item 55 1-8
dye 60 1-8
mount 65 1-13
ship 70 1-9
wagon 75 1-6
furniture 80 1-9

item grades

here's a list of item grades with their corresponding grade numbers as returned from the api.

grade (border color) number (grade)
white 0
green 1
blue 2
yellow 3
orange 4

other info

auciel is the name of the central market director at old wisdom tree.

stuff I don't know yet

  • what is chooseKey on certain items?
  • does keyType do anything?
  • why does every item have an isGodrAyed property, even non-godr-ayeable items?
  • can you get a list of every single item?