
Twitch IRC bot written in C++ using Barkley's sockets with windows winsock support

Primary LanguageC++

Only works on linux! Pre requisites: JsonCPP, curl and the latest version of youtube-dl


Twitch IRC bot written in C++ using Barkley's sockets with windows winsock support

IRC TWITC(++)H BOT Chat Commands

Chat command What it does
!dice rolls 1d20
!pau rolls 1d20
!add (yt-link or song name) adds video to vlc playlist
!add can be: !sr or !play

IRC TWITC(++)H BOT Host commands

Click play/stop to play/stop song request playlist. Click skip to skip current song. Click from 0-9 to change volume.

Chat Host


Brazilian term meaning something that's working but definitely isn't correct

Switch case and msgCheck