
Hawkular Metrics Exporter for Prometheus. Used to provide tenant level metrics

Primary LanguageGo


Hawkular exporter for Prometheus.

The purpose of this exporter was to get the metrics of hawkular that supports multi-tenancy into Prometheus so metrics can be used for creating and managing alerts by either Grafana or AlertManager.


This image is meant to be run in Openshift/Kubernetes. As such, it expects a service account token with View Access to the Namespace to be mounted to the Pod. The token file should be located at: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"


Usage of hawkular_exporter

Help is displayed with -h.

Option Default Description
-help - Displays usage.
-listen-address :9189 The address to listen on for HTTP requests.
-log.format logger:stderr Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true"
-log.level info Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
-metrics-path /metrics URL Endpoint for metrics
-version - Prints version information

Env Variables to Set:

Using the Hawkular Go Client to call metrics REST API on authenticated hawkular will require these environment variables to be set:

  • HAWKULAR_URL: The Hawkular Server (eg. https://metrics.domain.org)

  • HAWKULAR_TENANT: The Namespace in which the exporter is running.


Name Description
hawkular_up Was the last call to Hawkular successful
hawkular_mem_usage_bytes Memory usage of each pod in Namespace
hawkular_mem_limit_bytes Memory limit of each pod in Namespace
hawkular_cpu_usage_millicores CPU usage of each pod in Namespace
hawkular_cpu_limit_millicores CPU limit of each pod in Namespace
hawkular_network_tx_bytes_seconds Network TX of each pod in Namespace
hawkular_network_rx_bytes_seconds Network RX of each pod in Namespace
hawkular_filesystem_usage_bytes Filesystem usage of each Persistent Volume attached to Pods in the Namespace
hawkular_filesystem_available_bytes Filesystem available of each Persistent Volume attached to Pods in the Namespace
hawkular_filesystem_limit_bytes Filesystem limit of each Persistent Volume attached to Pods in the Namespace
hawkular_uptime_milliseconds Uptime of each Pod in Namespace

Building Locally

Make sure you have make, go, and docker installed.

To build the Go Binary without dependencies encapsulated:

make build_fast

To build the full binary with no dependencies:

make build

To build the Docker Image:

make docker