DS Learn

This repo is a playground area for me to be able to learn the basics of nintendo DS development.

Setting up a development environment

  1. Download and install devkitPro, installer link
    • Only the NDS development kit is required
    • I installed to C:/nds/devkitPro
  2. Modify your system environment variables, the paths will be wrong if you're using a windows machine
    • Update /opt/ in the paths for DEVKITPRO, DEVKITARM, & DEVKITPPC to your installation path
    • For me I updated DEVKITPRO to /c/nds/devkitPro
  3. Get an emulator like DeSmuME or No$GBA
    • the less time you can spend copying onto a flash cart the better
  4. Set yourself up with a decent IDE, I chose VSCode
    • Useful VSCode plugins
      • C/C++
      • C++ Intellisense

Building the project

  1. Open MSYS2, this was installed as part of devkitPro
  2. Navigate to your repository
    • Run the command cd /c/nds/repo/dsLearn
  3. Run the make command

Useful material

Further Reading

Other peoples games to learn from