Project Advanced Audio Processing

Sound source Localization using an eigth-microphone Array (UMA-8 from MiniDSP)


needs data/test_positions_mic_check_[0-2].m4a (or its matlab version). plots the positions of the microphone and the test file. The right positioning was found to be in test_positions_mic_check_2.m4a

Figure 1. Plot of each of the microphones while being tapped sequentially.

'Microphone positions test','title'


Methods used in this project are stored in /methods. They stem from /ext but they are modified. srphat has been modified to improve the performance significantly.

  • /method_1: modified file is src/methods/method_1_classical/srpphat_jose_modified_1.m
  • /method_2: uses an heuristic approach to reduce the time taken for the grid search using stochastic method.

Main Scripts are

  • method_1_2_estimate.m which creates the output for both methods.
  • method_1_preliminarytest.m is testing the implementation of method_1 with my own audio sources and micrphone structure.


Utils/ store some auxiliary functions, such as specific functions for the UMA-8.

  • Get microphone positions: they are obtained from the datasheet.
  • Play the movie,
  • and save the movie output.
  • Also it has the export script to export from .m4a to .mat which has been done in Mac, but it should "maybe" work in Linux as well. I do not know. Data was recorded using a Mac because recording is seamless and driverless using a Mac.

External Libraries used in this project.

(These has been modified)

Data description

described in /src/data/data_description.txt

Video results

Video result

Data Description

Data is described in src/data/data_description.txt

  • car_macwebcam_video_3: recorded with MPP Retina 2015 and UMA8 @ 11khz
  • car_macwebcam_video_2. recorded with a MBP2010 13inch and UMA8 @ 11khz