
Node module to allow for easy Excel file creation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An OOXML (xlsx) generator that supports formatting options.


npm install excel4node

Usage Example

var xl = require('excel4node');

var wb = new xl.WorkBook();
var ws = wb.WorkSheet('My Worksheet');

var myCell = ws.Cell(1, 1);
myCell.String('Test Value');



A sample.js script is provided in the code. Running this will output a sample excel workbook named Excel.xlsx

node sample.js
open Excel.xlsx


A Workbook represents an Excel document.

var xl = require('excel4node');
var wb2 = new xl.WorkBook({      // optional params object
    jszip: {
        compression: 'DEFLATE'   // change the zip compression method
    fileSharing: {               // equates to "password to modify option"
        password: 'Password',    // This does not encrypt the workbook,
        userName: 'John Doe'     // and users can still open the workbook as read-only.
    allowInterrupt: false        // do not asynchronously forEach loops

allowInterrupt uses an asynchronous forEach loop within code as to not block other operations if reports are being generated on the same thread as other processes that should take higher priority.


A Worksheet represents a tab within an excel document.

var ws = wb.WorkSheet('My Worksheet', {
    margins: {                         // page margins
        left: 0.75,
        right: 0.75,
        top: 1.0,
        bottom: 1.0,
        footer: 0.5,
        header: 0.5
    printOptions: {                    // page print options
        centerHorizontal: true,
        centerVertical: false
    view: {                            // page zoom
        zoom: 100
    outline: {
        summaryBelow: true
    fitToPage: {
        fitToHeight: 100,
        orientation: 'landscape',
    sheetProtection: {                 // same as "Protect Sheet" in Review tab of Excel
        autoFilter: false,
        deleteColumns: false,
        deleteRow : false,
        formatCells: false,
        formatColumns: false,
        formatRows: false,
        insertColumns: false,
        insertHyperlinks: false,
        insertRows: false,
        objects: false,
        password: 'Password',
        pivotTables: false,
        scenarios: false,
        sheet: true,
        sort: false

The sheetProtection options are the same as the "Protect Sheet" functions in the Review tab of Excel to prevent certain user editing. Setting a value to true means that that particular function is protected and the user will not be able to do that thing. All options are false by default except for 'sheet' which defaults to true if the sheetProtection attribute is set in the worksheet options, but false if it is not.

Worksheet Validations

Optionally, you can set validations for a WorkSheet.

    type: 'list',
    allowBlank: 1,
    showInputMessage: 1,
    showErrorMessage: 1,
    sqref: 'X2:X10',
    formulas: [

    type: 'list',
    allowBlank: 1,
    sqref: 'B2:B10',
    formulas: [

Rows & Columns

Set dimensions of rows or columns:


Freeze rows and columns:

ws.Column(3).Freeze();   // freeze the first two columns (everything prior to the specified column)
ws.Column(3).Freeze(8);  // freeze the first two columns and scroll to the 8th column
ws.Row(3).Freeze();      // freeze the first two rows (everything prior to the specified row)
ws.Row(3).Freeze(8);     // freeze the first two rows and scroll to the 8th row.

See also "Series with frozen Row" tab in sample output workbook.

Set a row to be a filter row:

ws.Row(1).Filter();    // no arguments passed will add filter to any populated columns
ws.Row(1).Filter(1,8); // optional start and end columns

See also "Departmental Spending Report" tab in sample output workbook.

Hide a specific oow or column:


Set groupings on rows and optionally collapse them:


See also "Groupings Summary Top" and "Groupings Summary Bottom" in sample output.


Represents a cell within a worksheet.

Cell can take 6 data types: String, Number, Formula, Date, Link, and Bool.

Cell takes two arguments: row, col.

Add a cell to a WorkSheet with some data:

ws.Cell(1, 1).String('My String');
ws.Cell(2, 1).Number(5);
ws.Cell(2, 2).Number(10);
ws.Cell(2, 3).Formula('A2+B2');
ws.Cell(2, 4).Formula('A2/C2');
ws.Cell(2, 5).Date(new Date());
ws.Cell(2, 6).Link('http://google.com');
ws.Cell(2, 6).Link('http://google.com', 'Link name');
ws.Cell(2, 7).Bool(true);


Style objects can be applied to cells:

var myStyle = wb.Style();
myStyle.Font.Family('Times New Roman');

var myStyle2 = wb.Style();

var myStyle3 = wb.Style();
    top: {
    bottom: {
    left: {
    right: {

ws.Cell(1, 1).Style(myStyle);
ws.Cell(1, 2).String('My 2nd String').Style(myStyle);
ws.Cell(2, 1).Style(myStyle2);
ws.Cell(2, 2).Style(myStyle2);
ws.Cell(2, 3).Style(myStyle2);
ws.Cell(2, 4).Style(myStyle3);

Available styles:

  • Font.Bold() bolds text
  • Font.Italics() italicizes text
  • Font.Underline() underlines text
  • Font.Family('Arial') name of font family
  • Font.Color('DDEEFF') hex rgb font color
  • Font.Size(12) font size in Pts
  • Font.WrapText() set text wrapping
  • Font.Alignment.Vertical('top') options are top, center, bottom
  • Font.Alignment.Horizontal('left') options are left, center, right
  • Font.Alignment.Rotation(15) degrees to rotate
  • Number.Format('style') number style string
  • Fill.Color('DDEEFF') background color in rgb
  • Fill.Pattern('solid') pattern style solid, lightUp, etc.
  • Border({...}) border styles (see below)

Border Styles:

Takes one argument: object defining border. Each ordinal (top, right, etc) are only required if you want to define a border. If omitted, no border will be added to that side. Style is required if oridinal is defined. If color is omitted, it will default to black.

    top: {
        style: 'thin',
        color: 'CCCCCC'
    right: {
        style: 'thin',
        color: 'CCCCCC'
    bottom: {
        style: 'thin',
        color: 'CCCCCC'
    left: {
        style: 'thin',
        color: 'CCCCCC'
    diagonal: {
        style: 'thin',
        color: 'CCCCCC'

Apply formatting directly to a cell (similar syntax to creating styles):

ws.Cell(1, 1).Format.Font.Color('FF0000');
ws.Cell(1, 1).Format.Fill.Pattern('solid');
ws.Cell(1, 1).Format.Fill.Color('AEAEAE');

Merge cells and apply styles or mormats to ranges:

ws.Cell(row1, col1, row2, col2, merge)

ws.Cell(1, 1, 2, 5, true).String('Merged Cells');
ws.Cell(3, 1, 4, 5).String('Each Cell in Range Contains this String');
ws.Cell(3, 1, 4, 5).Style(myStyle);
ws.Cell(1, 1, 2, 5).Format.Font.Family('Arial');

Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting adds custom formats in response to cell reference state. A subset of conditional formatting features is currently supported by excel4node.

Formatting rules apply at the worksheet level.

The following example will highlight all cells between A1 and A10 that contain the string "ok" with bold, green text:

var wb = new xl.WorkBook();
var ws = wb.WorkSheet('My Worksheet');

var style = wb.Style();

ws.addConditionalFormattingRule('A1:A10', {      // apply ws formatting ref 'A1:A10'
    type: 'expression',                          // the conditional formatting type
    priority: 1,                                 // rule priority order (required)
    formula: 'NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("ok", A1)))',   // formula that returns nonzero or 0
    style: style                                 // a style object containing styles to apply

The only conditional formatting type that is currently supported is expression.

When the formula returns zero, conditional formatting is NOT displayed. When the formula returns a nonzero value, conditional formatting is displayed.


Images can be inserted into a worksheet.

img.Position(row, col, [rowOffset], [colOffset])

var imgPath = './my-image.jpg'; // relative path from node script
var img1 = ws.Image(imgPath);

Set image position directly:

var img2 = ws.Image(imgPath2).Position(
    3,       // row to anchor top left corner of image
    3,       // col to anchor top left corner of image
    1000000, // offset from top of row in EMUs
    2000000  // offset from left of col in EMUs

Currently images should be saved at a resolution of 96dpi.

Writing Output

Write the Workbook to local file synchronously or Write the Workbook to local file asynchrously or Send file via node response

wb.write('My Excel File.xlsx'); // write synchronously

wb.write('My Excel File.xlsx', function (err) {
    // done writing

wb.write('My Excel File.xlsx', res); // write to http response
