I hava deleted my container. but i still can ping this deleted container IP
libp opened this issue · 2 comments
I hava deleted my container. but i still can ping this deleted container IP
for example:
I hava container name test, ip is
when i deleted this container.
I still can ping
this is i cannt understand
and i use brctl show ,i cant see the veth.
but i just can ping
that`s why?
thank you very much
thanks for answer. i use docker rm -f containername to delete the container.
maybe i have get the answer.
my condition is my container mount a ceph file。when i delete my container。the ceph file ,i didnt unmount it。so,when i use ps -ef。 i get the process is stilling in my system。and i use kill -9 processid. i cant kill the process.
so maybe the ceph dead process hold resouce。 it make the container ip still not release。
my companion suggest reboot machine 。