HackParty App

This is the application code for hackparty.org which manages user accounts and the clone protocol for events.





  • Scan QR code, get taken to a "pre-registration" page: "Put in your email"
  • App sends an email with a URL
  • URL directs to a "complete registration page"
  • User gets created

How to use:

This software is written for Google App Engine and is based on the Google App Engine SDK for Python.

Download the Google App Engine SDK for Python here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/downloads

There are two ways to run this software in a development environment:

  1. Using the GoogleAppEngineLauncher
  2. Using the dev_appserver.py command


  • Install the Google App Engine SDK for Python
  • Open the GoogleAppEngineLauncher
  • File > New Application
  • Name the application and navigate to where you've downloaded this code


  • Install the Google App Engine SDK for Python
  • Open the GoogleAppEngineLauncher
  • GoogleAppEngineLauncher > Make Symlinks > Click "OK"
  • Open a terminal
  • "cd" to where you've downloaded this code
  • Run "dev_appserver.py ."