
Primary LanguagePython


You know what you should do with your life? Write a del.icio.us clone that no one will use and then die alone.

ok openid logins
- autopaging, like my search UI uses
- autocomplete tag filter and autocomplete on post-new-link ui
- add counts to the autocomplete
- show list of common tags
- export common tags for use on homepage; match delicious api
- show narrowing tags and counts when a filter is going
- 100% ajax page refreshes
- some boingy graph that looks cool
- pull tags from delicious and other services at post time
- sync updates back to a delicious account (and others?)
- rdf export
- link edit UI
- 'send this link to an email addr now' ui, saving the history (so i can sort by most-forwarded, etc)
- pick up links from twitter
- maybe pick up links from played podcasts
- revyu on any link, get review data back so they can be used for sorting