
An implementation of the 9P2000 protocol in Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


What this is

This is the a partially completed implementation of the 9P2000 protocol in Python. It is “partially completed” in the sense that it is not yet as complete as I would like it to be.

It is, however, a fully complete library that is able to both encode and decode 9P2000 messages.

The end goal is to write library that makes it as easy to implement a 9P file server as it is to implement a HTTP server using a library like Flask or FastAPI.

I’m aware of at least one other Python implemenation of 9P: py9p. I wrote my own implementation because, at the time that I tried it out, it wasn’t clear to me how to directly deserialize or serialize 9P packets. I’m glad that this exists however, as I used it as a reference from time to time.

I’m also very thankful for the p9fs-py project, which implements uses the py9p code to implement the fsspec file system specification. The documentation for fsspec was very hard for me to understand, but the implemenation in p9fs-py is very well written and easy to understand. I borrowed liberally from it.

How to run it

This repository is centered around two Python scripts:

  1. test-construct.py This script tests the serialization and deserialization of 9P2000 messages.
  2. fsspec-ixpyfs.py This script connects to a 9P2000 server and runs a series of file operations against it.

All of the code here was written against Python 3, it was not tested against Python 2.

To run this code, you will need to install a Python virtual environment and then activate it:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then you will need to install the Python packages that are used by this code, do this with the pip command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once that is done, you will be able to run the test-construct.py script:

python test-construct.py

You will know that it’s working if the output looks like this:

[base64-to-json] Tversion(tag=65535 msize=32768 version=9P2000) OK
[base64-to-json] Rversion(tag=65535 msize=16408 version=9P2000) OK
[base64-to-json] Tattach(tag=23058 fid=0 afid=4294967295 uname=joel) OK
[base64-to-json] Rattach(tag=23058 qid=...) OK
[base64-to-json] Twalk(tag=22085 fid=0 newfid=1407003519 nwname=2 wnames=...) OK
[base64-to-json] Rwalk(tag=22085 nwqid=2 wqids=...) OK
[base64-to-json] Topen(tag=5275 fid=1551958997 mode=...) OK
[base64-to-json] Ropen(tag=5275 qid=... iounit=16384) OK
[base64-to-json] Tcreate(tag=63855 fid=284732400 name=hello perm=436 mode=1) OK
[base64-to-json] Rcreate(tag=63855 qid=... iounit=32744) OK
[base64-to-json] Tread(tag=17907 fid=1551958997 offset=0 count=16384) OK
[base64-to-json] Rread(tag=17907 count=800) OK
[base64-to-json] Twrite(tag=18740 fid=284732400 offset=0 count=13) OK
[base64-to-json] Rwrite(tag=18740 count=13) OK
[base64-to-json] Tclunk(tag=33964 fid=395063994) OK
[base64-to-json] Rclunk(tag=33964) OK
[base64-to-json] Tread(tag=64 fid=450164082 offset=0 count=4096) OK
[base64-to-json] Rread(tag=64 count=4096) OK
[base64-to-json] Tstat(tag=44936 fid=0) OK
[base64-to-json] Rstat(tag=44936 ... length=0 filename=active user=adm group=adm muid=bootes) OK
[base64-to-json] Twstat(tag=0 fid=48 qid=... mode=438 length=18446744073709551615 name= uid= gid= muid=) OK
[base64-to-json] Rwstat(tag=0) OK
[json-to-base64] Tversion(tag=65535 msize=32768 version=9P2000): OK
[json-to-base64] Rversion(tag=65535 msize=16408 version=9P2000): OK
[json-to-base64] Tattach(tag=23058 fid=0 afid=4294967295 uname=joel): OK
[json-to-base64] Rattach(tag=23058 qid=...): OK
[json-to-base64] Twalk(tag=22085 fid=0 newfid=1407003519 nwname=2 wnames=...): OK
[json-to-base64] Rwalk(tag=22085 nwqid=2 wqids=...): OK
[json-to-base64] Topen(tag=5275 fid=1551958997 mode=...): OK
[json-to-base64] Ropen(tag=5275 qid=... iounit=16384): OK
[json-to-base64] Tcreate(tag=63855 fid=284732400 name=hello perm=436 mode=1): OK
[json-to-base64] Rcreate(tag=63855 qid=... iounit=32744): OK
[json-to-base64] Tread(tag=17907 fid=1551958997 offset=0 count=16384): OK
[json-to-base64] Rread(tag=17907 count=800): OK
[json-to-base64] Twrite(tag=18740 fid=284732400 offset=0 count=13): OK
[json-to-base64] Rwrite(tag=18740 count=13): OK
[json-to-base64] Tclunk(tag=33964 fid=395063994): OK
[json-to-base64] Rclunk(tag=33964): OK
[json-to-base64] Tread(tag=64 fid=450164082 offset=0 count=4096): OK
[json-to-base64] Rread(tag=64 count=4096): OK
[json-to-base64] Tstat(tag=44936 fid=0): OK
[json-to-base64] Rstat(tag=44936 ... length=0 filename=active user=adm group=adm muid=bootes): OK
[json-to-base64] Twstat(tag=0 fid=48 qid=... mode=438 length=18446744073709551615 name= uid= gid= muid=): OK
[json-to-base64] Rwstat(tag=0): OK

Running the fsspec-ixpyfs.py script will take a lot more work. For testing, I used /bin/exportfs in Plan 9 as a “file server”. I did this by installing the 9front Plan 9 distribution in QEMU, using this guide for setting up 9front: https://samhza.com/2021/9front-qemu/

Once I had a working install of 9front, I used this command to run it in QEMU:

qemu-system-x86_64 -hda 9front.qcow2.img -boot d -vga std -m 1024 -device e1000,netdev=net0 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::9999-:9999,hostfwd=tcp::17010-:17010

The main thing that this does is expose port 9999 in the VM as port 9999 on the host.

Then, inside of the VM, I ran these commands to start up the file server:

aux/listen1 -tv tcp!*!9999 /bin/exportfs -r /

I’m not sure if the ip/ipconfig command is needed, but I’m pretty sure it has to run at least once to get networking set up.

Assuming that you have a working 9P2000 file server running on localhost:9999, then you can run the fsspec-ixpyfs.py command:

python fsspec-ixpyfs.py

The output should look like this:

> Running test: Make sure that our test folder exists
> Running test: Create a file
> Running test: Write to the file
> Running test: Read from the file
> Running test: Append to the file
> Running test: Verify that the text was appended to the file
> Running test: Upload a larger file
> Running test: Check the hash of the larger file
> Running test: Read the test directory
> Running test: Create a new directory
> Running test: Move the file to the new directory
> Running test: Verify the file move
> Running test: Rename the moved file (using move to rename)
> Running test: Verify the file rename
> Running test: Read the renamed file
> Running test: Change file permissions using chmod
> Running test: Verify permissions changes
> Running test: Change group ID
> Running test: Verify change
> Running test: Verify access and modified times
> Running test: Delete the renamed file
> Running test: Verify deletion
> Running test: Remove the created directory
> Running test: Verify directory deletion
All filesystem operations completed successfully.

What is missing

The main thing that this codebase is missing is, in no particular order:

  • An implementation of a basic 9P2000 server This is the next step
  • More tests There are a lot of things that I should be testing for, but am not.
  • Handling for edge cases In a similar vein, there are lots of edge cases that I simply do not account for.

What I’ve learned so far

Below are the main things that I’ve learned from this project, so far

9P implementations aren’t as complete as you’d think

There is a list of 9P implemenations on cat-v.org which, upon first glance, gives the impression that nearly every major programming language has a library to talk 9P. And while that’s strictly true, what I found frustrating is that most of them seem to be shaped to only handle the use case of using 9P as a replacement for NFS or CIFS. What I want is a way to easily implement virtual filesystems.

Implementating 9P is a lot more work than I expected

The core 9P protocol is pretty simple. I was able to get basic serialization and deserialization of 9P messages working in about an evening. What is a lot harder is knowing how to use the 9P primitives to actually work with files and directories.

Plan 9 is an alien operating system

While it looks like a Unix type operating system, it’s very different under the hood. Here are the main things that I wish I had known about Plan 9 earlier:

  1. Mounts in Plan 9 are often per-process

    They aren’t “global” like mounts are in Linux (by default)

  2. You need a three button mouse to make the most use of Plan 9

    … but you can use the Shift key to simulate the third mouse button

  3. The terminal isn’t a teletype emulator

    It’s more like the terminal in Genera, a “live” document. The up arrow doesn’t scroll through your command history.

9P is way more complex than HTTP

My extensive experience implementing HTTP servers made me drastically under-estimate the level of effort needed to implement a file server in 9P. It’s not just that you’re working with binary data that’s different, there are also a lot of edge cases to keep in mind.

Future plans

  • Implement a file server in 9P

    To start, I’d like to just make something that keeps files in memory

  • Explore a Flask-like interface to 9P

    I want to make it easy to build dynamic file systems using Python

  • Implement the Plan 9 network file system

    I want to explore using a filesystem to make TCP/IP connections, but be able to do so from the comfort of macOS

  • Write a webpage that walks people through the steps to write their own 9P implementations

Things that I’m worried about

9P2000 uses signed 32-bit integers to represent dates. This means that, unless a change is made soon, 9P2000 will stop being useful post 2038.

Here are my ideas for handling that: https://mastodon.social/@jpf/112900926024735222