Parallax. With momentum.

npm i --save slowparallax


import SlowParallax from 'slowparallax';

		<div className='myContent'>Some content</div>
	timeMax={15} // optional
	style={{ prop: 'value' }} // optional
	triggerStyle={{ otherProp: 'otherValue' }} // optional


<div class="slowParallax someClass someClass999" style={{ prop: 'value' }}>
	<div class="someClassTrigger999" ref="someClassTrigger999" style={{ otherProp: 'otherValue' }} />
	<div class="myContent">Some content</div>

As the user scrolls, the someClass <div> will float lazily up & down the screen by 200px. This takes place over the course of a random amount of time between 10 and 15 seconds.

Exposed property Type Default Required Description
class or className string Class name given to the outer parent <div>.
content HTML element HTML content which will be animated.
distance number 200 Distance in px the content will travel in each direction.
time number 10 Amount of time it will take the content to travel to its destination after each scroll event. This amount is slightly randomized to make the effect more natural.
timeMax number If provided, the time used will be a random amount between the time and timeMax.
style object {} Style applied to the outer parent <div>.
triggerStyle object {} Style applied to the trigger <div>.