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The purpose of this app is to allow a front-end app to create, store, and access records of users and stock purchases. Each user record has an email and password as attributes, which are used for authentication. Each stock purchase record has a ticker symbol, name, purchase price, number of shares purchased, and current price, as well as the id number of the user associated with the stock purchase.

##Technologies used

This app is built with Ruby on Rails. It also utilizes a third-party API for current price data, ticker symbol validation, and company name assignment.


User Actions: POST '/sign-up' => creates a new user POST '/sign-in' => signs in a new user, returns a token DELETE '/sign-out/:id' => sign out the current user PATCH '/change-password/:id' => changes the password associated with a User

Stock Purchase Actions: POST /stock_purchases => creates a new stock purchase GET /stock_purchases => returns all stock purchases associated with current user GET /stock_purchases/:id => returns a single stock purchase if it is associated with the current user PATCH /stock_purchases/:id => updates a stock purchase associated with the user DELETE /stock_purchases/:id => destroys a stock purchase associated with user


See ERD here