
Utilities for interacting with the Roku Soundbridge (and maybe other servers which talk RCP).

Primary LanguagePerl

This is a hobby project of mine for all things audio control at home.

It all got started in 2011 when I was living in Somerville, MA after college
and bought myself a Roku SoundBridge M1000 on eBay—finally!—after many years
of wanting one and a few years after they'd stopped manufacture of them.

From there this project has grown in fits and starts as I've grown and changed
and how I've listened to music has changed.  Parts of this project have gone to
the weeds, while others are still fairly well tended.  None of it was (nor is)
ever meant for anyone but me, but over the years a couple people have reached
out to say they found useful bits and bobs.

Most of what I use in here these days is the local web app that integrates my
different sources of music with my stereo receiver and living room speakers.
I run the web service on plink, a HiFi Berry with an IR transceiver that sits
next to my SoundBridge and stereo receiver.  The web app's frontend (web/) is
plain old JavaScript with Angular 1.x.  It's backend (app.psgi, lib/) is Perl.

I very rarely use the utility programs in the top-level directory anymore, but
there's some old and out-of-date notes on them in README.ancient.

And despite the years of using these software controls for my music listening,
I still more often than not use the buttons, knobs, remotes, and displays of
the actual audio gear in my living room because it's just easier and calmer
than opening up a web app on my phone.

  -trs, 8 April 2023