Movie showtimes around the globe.
npm install projection --save
var projection = require('projection');
var p = projection();
p.findTheaters('Montreal', {}, function(err, theaters) {
p.findMovie('Montreal', 'Mad Max', {}, function(err, movie) {
How to use
projection.findTheaters(near, options, callback);
- near - Either a city or a lat/long. ex.: 'Montreal' or '45.3838,-71.8958'
- options
- lang - Select langage (default = 'en')
- date - Select date (0, 1, 2, etc.) (default = 0 ie. today)
- callback - Function using the results
Returns an array of theaters (and their showtimes) following this structure:
name: 'Cineplex Odeon Forum Cinemas',
address: '2313 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Montreal, QC, Canada',
phone: '(514) 904-1274',
note: '',
movies: [
title: 'Insurgent 3D',
duration: '1hr 59min',
rating: 'Rated G',
genre: 'Action/Adventure/Romance',
trailer: '',
showtimes:[ '18:00', '20:15' ]
// Other movies in this theater...
projection.findMovie(near, movie, options, callback);
- near - Either a city or a lat/long. ex.: 'Montreal' or '45.3838,-71.8958'
- movie - A movie name. ex.: 'Mad Max'
- options
- lang - Select langage (default = 'en')
- date - Select date (0, 1, 2, etc.) (default = 0 ie. today)
- callback - Function using the results
Returns the movie and its showtimes in the nearest theaters following this structure:
title: 'Mad Max: Fury Road',
desc: 'Haunted by his turbulent past, Mad Max believes[...]',
director: 'George Miller',
cast: [ 'Charlize Theron', 'Tom Hardy' ],
duration: '2hr 0min',
rating: 'Rated 13+',
genre: 'Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy',
trailer: '[...]',
theaters: [
name: 'Scotiabank Theatre Montreal',
address: '977 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, QC, Canada',
showtimes: [ '19:50', '22:15' ]
// Other theaters with this movie...
- Multi-lang support
- Caching of repeated calls
- More to come...
Wanna help?
Any contribution is welcomed!