
A POC which affects 'WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System' WordPress plugin <= 8.0.7

Primary LanguagePHP

A POC for 'WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System' WordPress plugin <= 8.0.7 RCE

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Affects 'WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System' WordPress plugin <= 8.0.7

"WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System <= 8.0.7 allows anyone to upload PHP files with extensions like ".phtml", ".php4", ".php5", and so on, all of which are run as if their extension was ".php" on most hosting platforms."

It's a fairly old vuln, but I've been wanting to start putting together more POC's to better understand the vulnerabilities.

Usage: php wpspwn.php <target> <payload> <extension>

  • <target> WordPress install directory URL
  • <payload> (optional) PHP Payload
  • <extension> (optional) File extension. (Accepts: php, php3, php4, php5, php7, pht, phtml)

Always open to comments, questions, and suggestions. I'm trying to learn.