A basic implementation of Pachet's Continuator.
Files of interest:
live_demo.m - an example script for testing out the continuator
* can generate example [input,continuation] midi files
* includes example for generating plots for a dataset
test_script.m - contains a few short examples
* example for building prefix tree
* example for generating continuation
* example for generating continuation midi files
Prefix_tree.m - Data structure for the continuator's prefix tree.
* contains functions for parsing input sequences to trees
* contains functions for generating new continued sequences of any length
Node.m - the nodes of the prefix tree
* holds properties for note_value, continuation lists, and a node's children list
* includes isequal, that checks equality for nodes
* this could be expanded to hold info for other midi properties like velocity/starttimes/etc.
dataset/total_dataset.mat - The dataset we generated for our paper/presentation plots.
* Can load this into matlab, to generate plots on your own
plot_analysis.m - plots analysis data of any dataset
* edit distance of continuation vs. truth
* longest common subsequence of continuation vs. truth
generate_dataset.m - script that generates dataset for given folder
* Must give path to folder of midi files
* creates the dataset based on found 4 bar midi section