
Musings with redis enterprise and docker-compose

Primary LanguageShell

A 3 node Redis Enterprise cluster setup in Docker containers (For Development purpose only)

This is heavily lifted from work by Virag Trapathi. I just took his work and added docker-compose and volumes. He did the hard parts!! for more detail and additional content see: https://github.com/viragtripathi/redis-enterprise-docker


Docker compatible OS and Docker installed.

  • (I have it setup on my MacBook Pro but you can run it on any OS with Docker as long as you tweak the script based on runtime requirements.) Update Docker resources with 4 CPUs and 6-10GB RAM as shown here, Docker Preferences...

Steps for 3 node cluster

  1. Change directory to cluster3node
cd cluster3node
  1. Execute create_redis_enterprise_3_node_cluster.sh to create a 3 node(server) Redis Enterprise cluster. If this fails with a 503 error, increase the wait time in the script.
  1. execute create_demodb.sh to create a database
  1. verify database works. Login to node 1 and run rladmin
docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "rladmin status"
  1. Execute cleanup.sh to kill and remove the 3 docker containers. [OPTIONAL]

  2. Execute destroy.sh to remove the containers and also delete the redislabs/redis images. [OPTIONAL]

  3. Execute remove_volumes.sh to remove the redis volumes for the containers

Steps for CRDB test

  1. Change directory to crdb2node

  2. Execute script to create a 3 separate one node clusters

  1. Execute script to create a CRDB clustered database on two clusters
  1. test writing in each cluster and seeing result in other cluster. Note, run each of these commands indivually not all four together
docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "echo 'set hello1 setfrom1' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node2 bash -c "echo 'set hello2 setfrom2' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "echo 'get hello2' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node2 bash -c "echo 'get hello1' | redis-cli -p 14555"
  1. test simultaneous increment and decrement (use 2 separate terminal sessions) start increment on cluster1

start decrement on cluster2

  1. take node 1 out of the network using
docker network disconnect crdb2node_default re-node1
  1. test writing and see that values don't update (run each separately)
docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "echo 'set nogo1 on1' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node2 bash -c "echo 'set nogo2 on2' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "echo 'get nogo1' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "echo 'get nogo2' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node2 bash -c "echo 'get nogo1' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node2 bash -c "echo 'get nogo2' | redis-cli -p 14555"
  1. restore the network and the entries will come back (rerun the get commands)
docker network connect crdb2node_default re-node1
  1. test connection on the database using python code

run the requirements script and simple connect

docker exec -it jupyter bash -c "pip install -r src/requirements.txt"
docker exec -it jupyter bash -c "python src/simple_connect.py"
  1. add instance to the third cluster (first use list to get CRDB GUID
./crdadd.sh 40d72999-24b1-4684-8ef0-4b0aa28c521e
  1. verify data is on third cluster
docker exec -it re-node3 bash -c "echo 'get nogo1' | redis-cli -p 14555"
docker exec -it re-node3 bash -c "echo 'get nogo2' | redis-cli -p 14555"
  1. delete database by doing a list. Then, use returned crdb-guid as parameter to delete
./crddelete.sh 569c5693-2e7b-4744-ac0c-ea58f24ea9a6

Test certificates on crdb2node

This uses steps documented at this web page http://tgrall.github.io/blog/2020/01/02/how-to-use-ssl-slash-tls-with-redis-enterprise/

create security enabled clustered database


test connectivity with secret enabled on each machine

docker exec -it re-node1 bash -c "redis-cli -p 12000 -a secretdb01 info server"
docker exec -it re-node2 bash -c "redis-cli -p 12000 -a secretdb01 info server"

set up encryption

get cluster proxy certificate from all three nodes

mkdir src/certificates
docker cp re-node1:/etc/opt/redislabs/proxy_cert.pem src/certificates/proxy_cert1.pem
docker cp re-node2:/etc/opt/redislabs/proxy_cert.pem src/certificates/proxy_cert2.pem
docker cp re-node3:/etc/opt/redislabs/proxy_cert.pem src/certificates/proxy_cert3.pem

generate keys

docker exec -it jupyter bash
cd src
./generatekeys.sh  (just hit return do not enter anything)

manually add the key to cluster (assuming a mac for the pbcopy to copy data to clipboard)

pbcopy < src/certificates/client_cert_app_001.pem

go to browser and add the certificate to the database

  • click on crdb-encrypt database
  • click on configuration
  • scroll to bottom and click edit
  • on TLS, change radio selection to "Require TLS for all Communications"
  • click "+" to add the key
  • Paste the key in the box and click the blue ok button

click update at the bottom

  1. test connection on the database using python code
 docker exec -it jupyter bash -c "cd src;python connect.py"
  1. write data to the database using python code
 docker exec -it jupyter bash -c "cd src;python addData.py"
  1. cleanup

Steps for dns redis cluster

  1. Change directory to dnscluster
  2. To bring up cluster
  1. Can shutdown all resources

Utilizing the setup

A variety of tests and explorations of Redis Enterprise can be taken with this setup. Some of these tests will be documented below

A few tips

  1. Validate running containers and note port mappings
docker ps
  1. get the IP for any node Use provided scripts to get the IP address for any node.
./getip.sh n1

Can also get the IP address by referencing docker-compose.yml as IPs are hardcoded in the yaml 3. User name and password will be admin@redislabs-training.org / admin

go through light tutorial

  1. Create north 3 node cluster
  1. Use browser to Go to Managemnent UI for node https://localhost:21443 login to browser using: admin@redislabs-training.org / admin
  2. Click next to create a redis database
  3. Provide the database name, set the memory limit and click “Activate”. Can use: name=training memory limit = 1GB Note the endpoint name and port number as those will be needed to connect Without entering port on creation, it will be generated. Below is example
  1. Confirm database configuration matches using rladmin from node 3
docker exec -it n3 bash 
rladmin status
  1. Confirm database configuration matches using REST API (still running from the n3 bash) Make sure to verify the database name as this is likely different than below
curl -k -u "admin@redislabs-training.org:admin" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X GET https://redis-10590.north.redislabs-training.org:9443/v1/bdbs/1

Output should resemble this:
rladmin status output 7. Can delete the database using the API. verify database ID with rladmin output. This example is assuming the ID is "1"

curl -k -u "admin@redislabs-training.org:admin" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X DELETE https://redis-10590.north.redislabs-training.org:9443/v1/bdbs/1
  1. Create JSON file with database config (still from n3 bash)
echo { \"name\": \"demo-db\", \"memory_size\": 1073741824, \"port\": 12000 } > /tmp/create_db.json
  1. Create database using the REST API (from n3 bash)
curl -k -u "admin@redislabs-training.org:admin" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d @/tmp/create_db.json -X POST https://north.redislabs-training.org:9443/v1/bdbs
  1. Confirm the database was created using rladmin
rladmin status
  1. Add data to the database Note: first exit leaves redis-cli and then second exit leaves n3 bash shell
redis-cli -h redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000
set hello world
  1. Simulate Node Failure with Standalone Shard (there is no slave shard so database will fail)
docker stop n1
  1. Verify database is down
docker exec -it n3 bash -c "rladmin status"
  1. Database is down and node 2 is now in master role. . Now start n1 and check again
docker start n1
docker exec -it n3 bash 
rladmin status
  1. Can see that database is back up. Check do see if data still exists (spoiler alert: it is gone!) this exit leaves the redis-cli so in n3 bash
redis-cli -h redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000
keys *
  1. Can delete the database using the API. verify database ID with rladmin output. This example is assuming the is is "2". Also, verify the database was deleted by running rladmin status again
curl -k -u "admin@redislabs-training.org:admin" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X DELETE https://redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org:9443/v1/bdbs/2
rladmin status

Persistence testing

  1. Create new database with AOF using https://localhost:21443 Provide a database name=persistence-demo, change memory limit=1GB, choose AOF (fsynch every write) data persistence, set Endpoint port number to 12000 and click on “Activate” Parameters for persistent database setup
  2. Test status of databse and add data to database
docker exec -it n3 bash 
rladmin status
redis-cli -h redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000
set hello world
  1. Verify persistence of data with node failure and restart
docker stop n1
docker exec -it n3 bash -c "rladmin status"
docker start n1
docker exec -it n3 bash 
rladmin status
redis-cli -h redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000
keys *
  1. Delete persistence database
curl -k -u "admin@redislabs-training.org:admin" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X DELETE https://redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org:9443/v1/bdbs/2
rladmin status

node failure with replication

  1. Create new database with replication using https://localhost:21443, verify, and add data Provide a database name=ha-demo, change memory limit=1GB, choose AOF persistent replication, set Endpoint port number to 12000 and click on Activate Parameters for persistent database setup
docker exec -it n3 bash 
rladmin status
redis-cli -h redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000
set hello world
  1. Check ping resolution of database
ping redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org
  1. Simulate node failure, verify failure over to replica and zero data loss The ping will show database is now on node 2 IP instead of node 1 However, notice that slave on node 1 does not come up
docker stop n1
docker exec -it n3 bash
rladmin status
redis-cli -h redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000
keys *
ping redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org

Enable slave HA

  1. Verify slave HA is disabled by default (note the "slave_ha: disabled")
docker exec -it n3 bash 
rladmin info cluster
  1. Enable Slave High Availability, verify "slave_ha: enabled", see slave come back on-line
rladmin tune cluster slave_ha enabled
rladmin tune cluster slave_ha_grace_period 0
rladmin tune cluster slave_ha_cooldown_period 0
rladmin tune cluster slave_ha_bdb_cooldown_period 0
rladmin info cluster
rladmin status
  1. Test client connectivity during failover. Install python setup
docker exec -it jupyter bash -c "python -r python_src/requirements.txt"
docker exec -it jupyter bash -c "python python_src/connect.py"

Active-Active - not enough resources on my machine so I stopped on this part. Better to do this on by crbd directory above

		same problem with doing replica-of here
  1. this is file to create both but not tested... ./create_north_and_south_cluster.sh

Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

more information Redis, Prometheus, Grafana integration

  1. Create JSON file with database config (still from n3 bash)
docker exec -it n3 bash 
echo { \"name\": \"metrics-db\", \"memory_size\": 1073741824, \"port\": 12000 } > /tmp/create_metrics_db.json
  1. Create database using the REST API (from n3 bash)
curl -k -u "admin@redislabs-training.org:admin" -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d @/tmp/create_metrics_db.json -X POST https://north.redislabs-training.org:9443/v1/bdbs
rladmin status
  1. Generate Data with memtier_benchmark
memtier_benchmark -s redis-12000.north.redislabs-training.org -p 12000 --ratio=1:4 --test-time=600 -d 100 -t 3 -c 20 --pipeline=25 --key-pattern=S:S -x 10 --hide-histogram
  1. View Metrics using the REST API
curl -k https://north.redislabs-training.org:8070/metrics
  1. Access the Prometheus UI and execute a query http://localhost:9090/graph Choose a metric from the dropdown labeled “insert metric at cursor” then click “Execute” insert prometheus metric
  2. Set up Grafana Data Source http://localhost:3000/ use admin and P@ssword for username and password In the Grafana configuration menu, select Data Sources. add prometheus datasource Add the new datasource: add prometheus datasource parameters
  • Name: redis-enterprise
  • Type: Prometheus
  • URL: http://prom:9090
  • "Skip TLS Verify"

DNS tips

To be able to debug dns issues, need dnsutils.

  1. Install dnsutils on n3
docker exec -it --user root n3 bash
apt-get update
apt-get install dnsutils -y
  1. Verify can resolve cluster name (must create cluster first)
dig dig north.redislabs-training.org NS


; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.12-Ubuntu <<>> north.redislabs-training.org NS
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 8603
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: a8793b5e01113adc0dd13dc95ecfce82566396cc8f3e19f0 (good)
;north.redislabs-training.org.	IN	NS

north.redislabs-training.org. 3600 IN	NS	ns2.north.redislabs-training.org.
north.redislabs-training.org. 3600 IN	NS	ns3.north.redislabs-training.org.
north.redislabs-training.org. 3600 IN	NS	ns1.north.redislabs-training.org.

;; Query time: 178 msec
;; WHEN: Thu May 28 14:45:22 UTC 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 139
  1. Verify can resolve database name (example dependent on port) (must create database before this works)
dig redis-18959.north.redislabs-training.org NS


- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 44648
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: 185ef1ef6e7a841dbab8a04c5df24ae8112dc67705fecbab (good)
;redis-18959.north.redislabs-training.org. IN A

redis-18959.north.redislabs-training.org. 5 IN A

north.redislabs-training.org. 38400 IN	NS	n3.north.redislabs-training.org.
north.redislabs-training.org. 38400 IN	NS	n2.north.redislabs-training.org.
north.redislabs-training.org. 38400 IN	NS	n1.north.redislabs-training.org.

;; Query time: 18 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Dec 12 14:12:56 UTC 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 164
  1. To access dns server from browser (only getting this to work on firefox)
  1. Some Debug commands
This is my port 8443:
root@jph-vu-olathe1:/var/opt/redislabs/log# nc -v localhost 8443
Connection to localhost 8443 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
This is my port 9443
root@jph-vu-olathe1:/var/opt/redislabs/log# nc -v localhost 9443
Connection to localhost 9443 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
I have nothing here so this should not work (it doesn't)
root@jph-vu-olathe1:/var/opt/redislabs/log# nc -v localhost 9448
nc: connect to localhost port 9448 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
root@jph-vu-olathe1:/var/opt/redislabs/log# ^C
This is a database that I have so it works
root@jph-vu-olathe1:/var/opt/redislabs/log# nc -v redis-17204.jphcluster.demo.redislabs.com 17204
Connection to redis-17204.jphcluster.demo.redislabs.com 17204 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
I have no database here so it does not work
root@jph-vu-olathe1:/var/opt/redislabs/log# nc -v redis-17204.jphcluster.demo.redislabs.com 17208
nc: connect to redis-17204.jphcluster.demo.redislabs.com port 17208 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
  1. DNS database is included. This is setup
  • user name and password is root/password
  • Delete all existing DNS zones
  • Add a new master zone with domain name redislabs-training.org using ns.redislabs-training.org
  • address records
    • add address record for ns.redislabs-training.org with for address
    • add address record for n1.north.redislabs-training.org with
    • add address record for n2.north.redislabs-training.org with
    • add address record for n3.north.redislabs-training.org with
  • namespace records
    • add NS record for north.redislabs-training.org with n1.north.redislabs-training.org
    • add NS record for north.redislabs-training.org with n2.north.redislabs-training.org
    • add NS record for north.redislabs-training.org with n3.north.redislabs-training.org
  • Continue for the south cluster
  • from within the dns server browser click on "Edit Zone Records File" and see that it matches content here

Additional Links