Behavioral data and analysis script for "A probabilistic map of emotional experiences during competitive social interactions"
The manuscript is published in Nature Communications at the following doi.
Clone repository or simply download in a zip file.
The R Markdown file in the Analysis folder contains all the analysis code for the paper, as well as a html version, and the supplement. In order to run the code you'll need the following packages up-to-date:
library(here) # relative paths
library(tidyverse) # tidy functions
library(knitr) # knit functions
library(kableExtra) # extra markdown functions
library(purrr) # map functions
library(lme4) # mixed-effects regressions
library(lmerTest) # mixed-effects regressions
library(broom.mixed) # tidy()
library(AICcmodavg) # predictSE()
library(ggrepel) # geom_text_repel
library(sjPlot) # clean tables
library(rxtatix) # cohen's d
library(ggridges) # density plot
This repo contains the following folders: analysis, data, and graphs.
Main analysis script can be found here alongside an html Markdown file showing all results and code. Supplementary analysis script can be found here as well.
Cleaned data can be found here. Model files are too large to host in Github but can be found in an OSF repository here. Please download everything from the OSF repository and the associated Google Drive file (nn_model, which was too large to host on OSF). You'll want to place these in the
folder or change the path locations in the analysis script. -
Graphs produced for manuscript from R. Note that some style changes have been added to the final graphs in the manuscript using Illustrator, but in general I try to keep the graph output from R as close as possible to the final graph.
If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to open an issue on this repo or email me directly at