
Primary LanguageJavaScript


The concept of our greenfield project was to create an airbnb for food. People that like to cook or want to make a couple extra bucks can host meals they cook at their pad. People looking for a homecooked meal will be able to see these hosted dinners and grab a bite to eat. Our project is currently built on a full MEAN stack with google OAUTH OpenId connect as the login.

EndPoints Overview

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/users/signedin Send login data from google api to server to create new user in database or grab existing user
GET /api/events Returns all events in the database
POST /api/events All information is passed in via the inputs with the exception of username which should be the session.name
GET /api/events/:id Get an event based on its unique object id field that mongoDB provides by default
GET /api/events/attending/:username Return all events that a particular user is attending. Username must be passed in as the last part of the URL path. Username is obtained from accessing session.name.
GET /api/events/hosting/:username Return all events that a particular user is hosting. Username must be passed in as the last part of the URL path. Username is obtained from accessing session.name.


User Schema

  IdToken: Number,
  name: String,
  imageUrl: String,
  email: String,
  events : Array,
  hostedEvents: Array

Event Schema

    description: String, //A description of the Event
    title: String,		 //The Events Title
    time: Date,			 //Time of event 
    date: Date,			 //Date of event
    guestsCap: Number,	 //The limit to the number of guests at the event
    address: String,	 //Event's Address
    city: String,		 //Event's City
    state: String,		 //Event's State
    zip: Number,		 //Event's Zip code
    host: String		 //Name of the user hosting the event