This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Below you will find some information on how to perform common tasks.
You can find the most recent version of this guide here.

Table of Contents

Running the app

After downloading the app, please run npm install to download all of the npm dependencies.

To start the server, run npm run start. The app will run on http://localhost:3000 by default


Ive create the app using React.js. Ive taken the template and have broken down the card components into their own modules. If you look at index.html, you'll see that its still loading some of the libraries and css but the template code has been moved out. The entry point on index.html is at <div id="root"></div>

We will go ahead and load the main App.js into the root div. As you can see, ive extrapolated the card html into its own card component and its loaded by feeding the data as props from data.js. We can keep drilling deeper and see that card uses profileCard which uses infoBox etc.


  • To get the logged in user data, I am parsing the website cookie and looking for the username. As this project does not run on the instructables website, Ive included a sample cookie inside App.js. In production, the sample cookie can be replaced with the real cookie by using document.cookie

  • The GET requests using the user API is currently going through a proxy to overcome the cors issue. In dev, we can remove the proxy when the origin is the same as

  • The POST request to follow other users is currently set up but will not work due to CORS issues. However, if the request were to go through, it will make a new Get request to the server to get the new data for both the author and the user itself and update the app accordingly eg. Button will change from follow -> following and count will increase