
Fortigate CVE-2018-13379 - Tool to search for vulnerable Fortigate hosts in Rapid7 Project Sonar data anonymously through The Tor network.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

At Doom Fortigate


=================     ===============     ===============   ========  ========
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Tool to search for vulnerable Fortigate hosts in Rapid7 Project Sonar data anonymously through The Tor network.


More infomration on Orange Tsai's Blog: https://blog.orange.tw/2019/08/attacking-ssl-vpn-part-2-breaking-the-fortigate-ssl-vpn.html

How to use

  1. Visit https://youtu.be/q657rEkgfKs
  2. Download Rapid7 data in json format for port 10443 from https://opendata.rapid7.com/sonar.https/
  3. Place json file in /data directory (or configure input path in config.go file and recompile)
  4. Download and run Tor Browser
  5. Run app
  6. Profit (see results.txt output file or configure output file path in config.go and recompile)

Building from source code

To build from source execute the commands below (Go needs to be installed and properly configured, see https://golang.org/doc/install)

git clone https://github.com/jpiechowka/at-doom-fortigate.git
cd at-doom-fortigate
go build -v -a .