
A simple web server written in Go that can be used to serve files and transfer them (I use it to transfer files to my devices on LAN).

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go File Server

A simple web server written in Go that can be used to serve files and transfer them (I use it to transfer files to my devices on LAN).


Release Build and test master Analzye code

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  • Built using https://github.com/gofiber/fiber
  • Ability to configure serve directory
  • Directory listing / browsing is enabled by default. It can be switched off by providing a correct cli flag
  • Automatically add security and cache headers to the responses
  • Built-in request logging
  • Built-in and configurable request rate limiter
  • Automated generation of self-signed TLS certs with configurable DNS names (Subject Alt Names extension)
  • Ability to add custom / trusted TLS certs by saving them with correct names and providing one command line flag
  • Configurable compression and ability to disable it
  • Configurable Basic Auth


Releases for every major operating system are available from the releases page: https://github.com/jpiechowka/go-file-server/releases


Basic usage with default options: go-file-server start. It will start server without TLS and serve files from ./files directory.

A file server built in Go using Fiber

  go-file-server [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  start       Start the server

  -h, --help      help for go-file-server
  -v, --version   version for go-file-server

Use "go-file-server [command] --help" for more information about a command.

start command can be used to start the server and configure additional options:

Start command starts the builtin Fiber server to serve static files

  go-file-server start [flags]

  -a, --address string        server address (default "")
  -b, --basic-auth string     enables Basic Auth. Credentials should be provided as username:password
      --cert-hosts string     comma separated list of DNS names (Subject Alt Names extension). Used only when generating self-signed certs. Example values: example1.com,example2.com (default "localhost")
  -c, --compression int       configure compression level. -1 to disable, 0 for default level, 1 for best speed, 2 for best compression (default 2)
  -d, --dir string            path to directory with files to serve (default "./files")
  -l, --disable-dir-listing   disables directory listing which is turned on by default
  -g, --generate-cert         enable TLS and generate self-signed certs for the server. Outputs to 'cert.pem' and 'key.pem' and will overwrite existing files
  -h, --help                  help for start
  -r, --rate-limit uint       configure max requests per minute (default 60)
  -t, --tls                   enables TLS. Files should be saved as 'cert.pem' and 'key.pem'