
A file encryption utility written in C using libsodium

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Linux file encryption utility written in C using libsodium

  • Current version libsodium-file-crypter version 1.0.0


This project was created using CLion


1. Linux operating system

For now only Linux is supported

This program has been compiled and tested on Fedora 27

[root@localhost d3v]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.8-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 20 19:00:18 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2. Libsodium

Libsodium installation instructions from the official docs

  1. Download source (latest stable preferred) tarball from HERE
  2. Unpack tar -xvf LATEST.tar.gz
  3. cd libsodium-stable/
  4. ./configure
  5. make && make check
  6. sudo make install or execute make install after switching with su to root
  7. You may want to run ldconfig that creates the necessary links and cache to the most recent shared libraries

On Fedora 27

  • Libraries will be installed in /usr/local/lib/
  • Header files will be located in /usr/local/include/

3. CMake

Refer to official docs for installation HERE

  • Download binary from HERE
  • Compile from source. Sources available on download page HERE
    1. ./bootstrap
    2. make
    3. sudo make install or execute make install after switching with su to root
  • Install from repository
    1. For Fedora and similar distributions run dnf install cmake after switching with su to root

Compiling from source

  1. Make sure all requirements like libsodium and cmake are satisfied
  2. Clone git repository with git clone https://github.com/jpiechowka/libsodium-file-crypter.git
  3. Switch to the downloaded repository directory cd libsodium-file-crypter
  4. Run cmake .
  5. Run make


How to use

To see help message run with -? or --help options

Usage: libsodium-file-crypter [OPTION...] FILE PASSWORD
Linux file encryption utility written in C using libsodium

  -d, --decrypt              Decrypt the specified file. Specifying operation
                             mode is mandatory for program to run
  -e, --encrypt              Encrypt the specified file. Specifying operation
                             mode is mandatory for program to run
  -f, --force                Force overwrite of output file if it already
  -o, --output=FILE          Specify output file instead of default:
  -v, --verbose, --debug     Increase verbosity - show debug messages
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

Report bugs to https://github.com/jpiechowka/libsodium-file-crypter/issues.

  1. FILE - mandatory argument specifying file to operate on
  2. PASSWORD - mandatory argument specifying password used to perform encryption/decryption
  3. [-e/--encrypt] or [-d/--decrypt] - specify mode of operation. One of this options in mandatory for program to work.
  4. If no output file is provided with [-o/--output] default output file will be used


Run with --usage option

Usage: libsodium-file-crypter [-defv?V] [-o FILE] [--decrypt] [--encrypt]
            [--force] [--output=FILE] [--verbose] [--debug] [--help] [--usage]
            [--version] FILE PASSWORD

Example usage

  1. Encrypting example plaintext.txt file using super-secret-pass-123 as password
    • ./libsodium-file-crypter -v -e -o encrypted.txt plaintext.txt super-secret-pass-123
      • -v for verbose mode
      • -e to encrypt the specified file
      • -o encrypted.txt to provide output file path
      • plaintext.txt is the file to encrypt
      • super-secret-pass-123 is the password provided


  1. Decrypting previously encrypted file
    • ./libsodium-file-crypter -v -d -f -o plaintext.txt encrypted.txt super-secret-pass-123
      • -v for verbose mode
      • -d to decrypt the specified file
      • -f option is used to force overwrite of the previously existing output file
      • -o plaintext.txt to provide output file path. Note that this file path is the same as the old plaintext.txt file we encrypted before
      • encrypted.txt is the file to decrypt
      • super-secret-pass-123 is the password provided



  1. Investigate how to generate and store salt when using Argon2 for file encryption/decryption
  2. Implement generating salt and storing it somehow for file encryption/decryption purposes